Tax Tips from Hillary : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

The American Spectator 2/22/01

It seems she never learns. Sen. Hillary Clinton won't gain much tax relief from the property she and her husband purchased late last year. But apparently the New York senator is wasting no time preparing for the 2001 tax reporting cycle. According to a Hill staffer, Sen. Clinton has asked someone in her office to research just what in her Washington home would be tax-deductible if it were work related. "She plans, on average, to use the home as much as once a week, maybe more, for Democratic fundraising events," says the assistant. "So, if the kitchen is used primarily for business purposes and not personal, is some of the equipment a write-off?" Good question, but it's probably a nonstarter. Even Martha Stewart, queen of the homebodies, can't write off her in-home Cuisinart. What next? Bill Clinton trying to write off his golf clubs?

-- (Paracelsus@Pb.Au), February 27, 2001


Uh...and we are supposed to believe this because...? Who's the "Hill staffer"? Was it the same one who found out that Hilliary had registered her china, or the one who discovered all the vandalism in the Executive Office Building?

-- (@ .), February 27, 2001.

I cannot disclose my sources. Let's just say it was "deep throat".

-- (Paracelsus@Pb.Au), February 27, 2001.

I think you've forgotten...Hillary doesn't tip.

-- (cin@cin.cin), February 27, 2001.

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