O'Reilly Tells Letterman He Reads NewsMax

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

I guess we now know where those high paid investigative reporters get their information. This reminds me of Y2K where one peice of information could be traced back to a few people.

With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff

For the story behind the story...

Saturday, Feb. 24, 2001 12:30 a.m. EST

O'Reilly Tells Letterman He Reads NewsMax

Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly guested on the "Late Show

with David Letterman" on CBS Friday night.

Host of the eponymous "O'Reilly Factor" - the highest-rated cable news show - O'Reilly bantered with Letterman about the Clinton pardon scandals, serious problems with library donations, and Hillary's recent endless denials press conference.

Went he first sat down on the set, O'Reilly asked if that was the seat Hillary sat in and quipped that would be as close as he'd ever get to her.

He later said Hillary was much like Sgt. Schultz of "Hogan's Heroes" TV fame, whose famous line was "I know nothing!"

When Letterman asked if Denise Rich had really visited the White House 100 times, O'Reilly said he read about it on NewsMax.

Not surprising; Talkers magazine has reported that more talk hosts get their news from NewsMax.com than any other source.

-- Cherri (jessam5@home.com), February 26, 2001


Not suprising. The majority of the morons who voted for Dumbya love sensationalism and rumors of scandal, even if it isn't true. Tabloid reporters like Drudge and the NY Post like to suck the bottom of the scum pool to find the slightest rumor of scandal and blow it all out of proportion in their humongous headlines. Assholes like Rush Limbaugh, NewsMax, and Worldnetdaily want a piece of the action too, so they rely on these bottom feeders and use their crap as though it were real legitimate news.

-- (LOL@hypocritical.scumbags), February 27, 2001.

"He later said Hillary was much like Sgt. Schultz of "Hogan's Heroes" TV fame, whose famous line was "I know nothing!"

What, this isn't true?

So I suppose that Salon.com and The New York Times are the only places that tell the unbiased truth about pols on either side, ey?


-- Not now, not like this (AgentSmith0110@aol.com), February 27, 2001.

Even the New York Times has given a scathing report on Hillary. Let's see, Hill's ratings have plummeted to 22%, the lowest ever and we can point to O'Reilly repeating info from NewsMax.

Why does Rich refuse to go before the Congress? Why won't the Clintons turn over the donors to the library? Something to hide, eh?

Cherri, you stand alone here. Not even the strongest Clinton supporters are still standing. You have to ask yourself, "Why don't I see what everyone else sees?"

-- Maria (anon@ymous.com), February 27, 2001.

I have faith in Cherri’s intelligence and ability to reason. She, like many Americans, is outraged at the manner in which GWB won the election. Hey, I wasn’t all that thrilled with the process myself but it was important for our country that this sorrowful Clinton administration be put out of business. Al Gore was just a puppet with about 5 broken strings. I never really looked at them as true Democrats and that is why decent party members are getting as far away from the stench as possible.

Maria, as you can see by the mutant that posted after Cherri on this thread, she is not quite alone. However, this is hardly the sort of companionship she desires and I’m predicting that she too will soon distance herself from the Clinton’s and the ‘Hawks’ of the world.

-- Barry (bchbear863@cs.com), February 27, 2001.

"...I never really looked at them as true Democrats and that is why decent party members are getting as far away from the stench as possible."

So who are these 'true' democrats - Ted Kennedy, Maxine Waters, Barney Frank??!!??

-- a true democrat (moreinterpretation@ugly.com), February 27, 2001.

NewsMax, WorldNet Daily, NYPost, Washington Times, even The National Enquirer are reporting on news that the traditional "prestige" press is slow to acknowledge. You can sneer at NewsMax etc, but maybe the NY Times, Washington Post, etc should buy a clue.

You don't need a weathervane to know which way the wind is blowin'.

-- Lars (larsguy@yahoo.com), February 27, 2001.

Yeah, it's easy to see that the wind is blowin from the direction of the Republicans, because they love to BLOW WIND OUT THEIR ASSES!!!

-- (he hee he @ ha. haa haa!), February 27, 2001.

Which way IS the wind blowing, Lars?

I visit a lot of internet sites besides discussing politics with folks IRL. It's only on a FEW sites that I see anyone feeding their anger with the tabloid gossip. This is one of those sites. Mainstream America doesn't care about affairs, DUI's, going AWOL, etc. You might remember that Clinton was elected AFTER the Gennifer Flowers affair. Pardons always leave a bad taste in the mouth, because [as Flint pointed out], they are given to folks who actually did break the law. After reviewing the history of previous pardons, I see nothing new or different about those offered by Clinton.

I feel no reason to hate Bill Clinton, nor his wife or daughter. He served me well for eight years. I have no reason to hate Bush either. I'm concerned that Bush is pushing for programs that failed in Texas, so I have a reason to express my reservations about those programs to my congresscritters and explain in detail why I don't think they should be passed. THIS is the political process, as I see it, and I've seen hundreds of folks who think the same way.

-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), February 27, 2001.

Gee, 'hee hee ha ha', how many monikers do you have??!! Others you have used...

what@moron.com no@more.grammar GO@FUCK.YOURSELF . . .

-- mr. anonymous (moreinterpretation@ugly.com), February 27, 2001.

Oh Anita, I'm being a little provacative is all; misquoting Bob Dylan just for fun. But I do think folks that sneer at relatively unsophisticated news sources might be missing the larger point---namely that these sources are reporting news that traditional papers spike, at least until they have to acknowledge it. It took Drudge to break the Lewinsky story---would the mainstream press have ever done this?

Hmmm, Mainstream America---is that the name of a good forum? I'll have to check it out. Sounds kinda dull though if they don't discuss politics.

-- Lars (larsguy@yahoo.com), February 27, 2001.


do you have a link for Mainstream America? I do a Google search on that phrase and get 460000 hits.

-- Lars (larsguy@yahoo.com), February 27, 2001.

Funny, Lars.

Actually, in years past, the press KNEW about the indiscretions of presidents, but nobody [and I mean NOBODY] mentioned them. It was considered in poor taste. Of course in years past, people knew that the man next door beat his wife and nobody mentioned it either. It was [again] considered in poor taste. Probably only you, Z, and I are old enough to remember that, although history has provided us with more and more information.

Speaking of history, Lars, I remember in 3rd grade or so being asked by my teacher who discovered America. I proudly waved my hand and responded, "Leif Erickson." I couldn't understand why the class [as well as the teacher were laughing at me.] Years later, when I found myself helping my kids study for History exams, I found in the textbooks, "America was discovered by Leif Erickson." Corrections are made as time goes by, and what seemed like the truth at the time will be uncovered as a lie in future years.

-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), February 27, 2001.

Yeah, Lief was cool but if I was an American Indian I'd call him a Johnny-come-lately too.

Are you going to keep Mainstream America to yourself?

-- Lars (larsguy@yahoo.com), February 27, 2001.


I'm surprised that your parents didn't teach you about Leif.

Yes. My meanderings outside of this board are best kept to myself.

-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), February 27, 2001.

Lief, Leif, I have seen it spelled both ways. Mom was not much into her ancestry and Dad was Anglo. What little I know of Norse culture, I have picked up on my own. I first became interested when UW/Madison had a Norwegian folk art show in 1979. I still have a cool poster from it.

I am looking for another forum too. I don't want to leave here altogether but I do get tired of some of the hardcases. So don't be surprised if I show up on Mainstream Amereica, wherever it is.

-- Lars (larsguy@yahoo.com), February 27, 2001.

OK, now that I've stopped giggling over "460000 hits for Mainstream America", Lars, why don't you start a new forum? You could call it, um, Mainstream America :-)

Thanks for the chuckles, guys; I needed it today.

-- (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), February 27, 2001.


My cousins were more influenced by the culture than we were, but my son has decided that he'd enjoy attending the University of Bergen. [I'd thought that he'd prefer a University in Germany, since he's studied German for four years and will be visiting Germany again this summer with his class]. He said he'd like to be able to say more in Norwegian than "Thank you for the food." or "I only speak English.", which were probably the only "lines" I taught him before I took him there.

Anyway, this benefits me AND my family in Norway, as there is no tuition to pay, just housing expenses, food, transportation, books, etc., and elderly relatives will have a young man to look in on them and help with chores they may be unable to manage.

-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), February 27, 2001.


That's neat, and he might marry Liv Ullman's daughter.

-- Lars (larsguy@yahoo.com), February 27, 2001.

‘Ted Kennedy, Maxine Waters, Barney Frank’

A Drunk, A Skunk, and A Punk!

-- Barry (bchbear863@cs.com), February 28, 2001.

"Gee, 'hee hee ha ha', how many monikers do you have??!! Others you have used...

what@moron.com no@more.grammar GO@FUCK.YOURSELF . . .

-- mr. anonymous (moreinterpretation@ugly.com), February 27, 2001."


Sorry but I didn't post under those other names. Hasn't it ever occurred to you that there are a LOT of us who don't care for the scum-sucking blowhard dishonest Republicans? The popular vote of the people was AGAINST Dumbya and the scum, even though he cheated his way into office. Just because asshole "Ain't" overpowers everyone else with his hysterical babbling lies doesn't mean his views are representative of the majority on this forum.

-- hee hee @ haa. haa (get@over.it), February 28, 2001.

Barry, LM@O...!!!!

Anita: I don't get your second post. Is it better that we keep silent out of good taste, or is it better that we know what's going on? I'm not being a wiseguy, honest.


-- Not now, not like this (AgentSmith0110@aol.com), February 28, 2001.


I don't get your second post. Is it better that we keep silent out of good taste, or is it better that we know what's going on?

I'm old enough to have seen the change from DON'T talk about it to TALK about it, and there are good points to both. I guess moderation is the key [as in most things].

To a certain extent, I think it's better for young children, for instance, to be taught that George Washington never told a lie and chopped down a cherry tree. That thought encourages a respect for the office, and even a code of ethics to emulate. Of course by the time we complete a University history class, we realize that the guy lied all the time and the cherry tree story was all a myth.

Sex brings a whole new dimension to the thing. Does anyone really want to know how, when, and with how many variations on a theme their parents engaged? If either parent had an affair, would we really want to know? If so, to what end?

-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), February 28, 2001.

Anita: Nope, don't want to know about my parents sex life *at all*! Some things are better left unsaid. Although when it comes to what our public officials are doing on our dime, I do want to know--not the gory details, just the broad picture.



-- Not now, not like this (AgentSmith0110@aol.com), February 28, 2001.

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