It IS normal for the left bar end to touch the plastic. : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Talked to Ferracci today.......

They say it IS normal for the left bar end to touch the side plastic......

They say their bar risers fix it AND make the bike more comfy.......?


-- Jeremy (, February 26, 2001


There is only an 8 degree difference from standard clipons. Its not like a motorcross riser bar =)


-- test (, February 27, 2001.

Well I just installed the Ferracci risers. Unfortunately it's raining so I can't go out and ride the bike. They seem to make it more comfortable, and if nothing else they definitely get rid of that annoying pinching of the thumbs on the air boost tubes.

-- (, February 26, 2001.

I'm sorry, but putting bar-risers on your MV is like mounting a plastic cargo carrier to the roof of your Ferrari F50.

-- Todd (, February 27, 2001.

Which isn't so crazy if you actually want to USE the Ferrari F50. Ever seen the 'trunk' on those things? hee hee.....

-- Jeremy (, March 03, 2001.

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