What crafts interest you??

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

posts: 206
(10/31/00 12:17:34 am)

What crafts interest you??

If I know what you like, I can go off on a web search...but I don't want to fill the threads with stuff you aren't interested in....let me know what you want to see here.

Thanks....the management...

Green Co
Registered User
posts: 16
(10/31/00 9:43:43 pm)

Re: What crafts interest you??

The wife loves doing bead projects. They must have shape.. not just a flat picture type thing.

Right now she is busy doing lighted Xmas trees with beads and pins. Things stand about 7" tall with 20 lites wired on the inside.

Been looking for projects such as these (for free, of course) but have been unable to locate any. Lots of sites, but mostly flat work.

TIA Dennis

posts: 230
(11/1/00 12:37:57 am)

Re: What crafts interest you??

Green, will look around and see if I can find anything and post it tomorrow.

posts: 235
(11/1/00 2:39:40 am)

Re: What crafts interest you??

Here are just a few...I don't know if your wife can look at something then duplicate it....but I didn't take the time to read each site.




Hope some of these are helpful.

Green Co
Registered User
posts: 17
(11/1/00 9:00:09 am)

Re: What crafts interest you??

Thanks SAR...can already see the second one working


Despotty Mouth
posts: 142
(11/1/00 10:33:29 am)

Re: What crafts interest you??

Wow! Like having a genie. What do you wish for here? Hmmm, more on the stepping stones....like someone to make them for me. LOL

Thanks Sar01!

posts: 250
(11/1/00 9:11:55 pm)

Re: What crafts interest you??

Your wish is my command! hehehehe

posts: 335
(11/8/00 1:09:03 pm)

Re: What crafts interest you??

Green Co.......has the wife done any of these bead crafts? you got pictures???? just touching base with you.

Green Co
Registered User
posts: 19
(11/12/00 6:31:58 pm)

Re: What crafts interest you??

Of course...she's gotta shop for something, right?

Seriously, she has made some beaded trees that came out rather nice. I can photo, digital or scan, but do not yet know how to get them here. I'm still just an old truck driver learning new entertainment.


posts: 364
(11/12/00 8:09:50 pm)

Re: What crafts interest you??

Dennis, once you get the pictures on your PC...you have to get a web place that will "host" your pictures....this means you can go to :


And upload your picture there. (it's free) then you can right click on the picture and go to "properties" copy the address, and paste it like so: {image}youraddresshere{/image}. this will get your picture up here. hope you can understand these directions.

(Edited to say: But using the regular ][ brackets, not them fancy bent up ones. DD)

Edited by: DenaughtyDespot at: 11/13/00 3:15:44 pm

Green Co
Registered User
posts: 20
(11/12/00 11:16:31 pm)

Re: What crafts interest you??

Sar, you sure make an old mans brain work hard...looked up the html site, will see if I can make it work.


edited by sar to see if I could get the pictures up

Edited to try and help:

Edited by: Green Co at: 11/13/00 7:46:54 pm

Green Co
Registered User
posts: 21
(11/12/00 11:17:59 pm)

Re: What crafts interest you??

Damnation, it worked. Guess an old dog can learn a few new tricks.


posts: 368
(11/13/00 2:57:44 pm)

Re: What crafts interest you??

ahhhh.....green co....I can't see the pictures

looks like you can see them on your pc, but they must not have uploaded to the server.....all I see is 2 boxes with x'x in them!!!!! could you try again? thanks!

posts: 369
(11/13/00 3:02:33 pm)

Re: What crafts interest you??

well, don't know what is wrong....maybe denaughty despot can help??????? I will see!

Despotty Mouth
posts: 198
(11/13/00 3:29:04 pm)

Re: What crafts interest you??

Is this what you wanted posted? I was able to access the pictures at the main URL: greenshouse.4t.com/images/



Despotty Mouth
posts: 199
(11/13/00 3:37:11 pm)

Re: What crafts interest you??


Hot links seem possible, but not embedding pictures from that site. I don't know why.

Also, just my own observation and opinion, but I sure wouldn't have all that information on line like that. Not a safe thing to do. Again, my opinion.

Hope I was able to help y'all somewhat!


Green Co
Registered User
posts: 23
(11/13/00 7:25:43 pm)

Re: What crafts interest you??

Well, I could see them last night...will try again from another site...patience (wish I had learned more)


Green Co
Registered User
posts: 24
(11/13/00 7:50:20 pm)

Re: What crafts interest you??

I edited the original pictures with html to the photoasa site. I can still see all of the others ya'll linked to in later posts, also. Let me know if this worked.

Guess all my reading at AL on this stuff didn't take so good, huh? Oh well, still learning.


Registered User
posts: 91
(11/13/00 10:14:49 pm)

Re: What crafts interest you??

I see the two pictures in your post timed 7:46pm.

Very nice.

The rest are red X's in white squares.

Guess someone got something right!

-- Anonymous, February 24, 2001

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