Lavender Wands : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Assistant Despot
posts: 19
(10/19/00 12:15:18 pm)

Lavender Wands

Another site...with pictures

Registered User
posts: 32
(10/19/00 7:05:34 pm)

Re: Lavender Wands

What a great site....I even have lavender still blooming!

Registered User
posts: 2
(10/24/00 8:31:07 am)

Re: Lavender Wands

I think I will try this one. Have alot of lavender in yard.

Assistant Despot
posts: 53
(10/24/00 10:55:23 am)

Re: Lavender Wands

I am not one to do tiny, intricate stuff, so I mostly just group some arieal parts...(heads) and tie them together with pretty ribbon. I keep a bunch by the pc, so if I get "tense" I smell my lavender...

-- Anonymous, February 23, 2001

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