Online Party Goods Sites : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

posts: 363
(11/12/00 1:25:57 pm)

Here are some on-line Party goods sites

Online Party Goods Sites:

While you are surfing the web for party goods, it's common sense to look for the best deal, but you also need to consider what is important to you. and, to name a couple, are great sites that offer a variety of party goods.

BirthdayExpress is geared more toward children's parties, as is iParty.

1-800-PartyShop has theme parties for ALL occasions. They also will put you in touch with a personal party consultant, who will help you plan your party and create a relationship with you.

So, it's important to make the final decision on which company to go with by what YOUR needs are and if that company can meet them

-- Anonymous, February 23, 2001

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