Craft Storage Idea : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

posts: 292
(11/4/00 12:33:24 am)

Craft Storage Idea

Craft Storage
A fishing tackle box converts readily into a great place to store many different craft supplies. They are especially great for embroisery, beading, and a multitude of other crafts.

Registered User
posts: 14
(11/4/00 9:25:23 am)

Re: Craft Storage Idea

Yes, Saro, the tackle boxes are great and can usually be picked up, on sale, when hunting season comes in. Also, have picked up kids plastic lunch boxes at garage sales very cheaply, for the small craft storage. Gotta admit tho, am now reduced (?À induced ?) to using a lot of totes. Love the totes! Can stack them too; however gonna have to make them look more like furniture (seats, tables etc.) or dh is gonna be storing my totes in barn loft! lol

posts: 303
(11/4/00 7:03:31 pm)

Re: Craft Storage Idea

Tonsie....I have to laugh.....if you are really into crafts, you get "stuff" because you know you'll use it somewhere....yep, I used lunch boxes for wood-burning needles, and fishing tackles for sewing odds and ends, then finally graduated to the totes.....I have totes in the shed, in the garage, in the shed loft, in the barn hay loft in the loft of the garage and in the attic....I have totes covered with pretty fabic as a reading table, and end tables in the guess room, and as a modular desk unit.....I love TOTES!!!!

posts: 19
(11/6/00 6:35:36 pm)

Re: Craft Storage Idea

Fishing tackle boxes are also terrific for storing cake decorating tips, bags and other 'essentials'. . . When I did a lot of wedding cakes, I'd always take one with me when I was deliverying the cake (for last minute 'oopsie' fixes. . .)

. . .what I really need is one of those stacking tool boxes with many drawers that is on casters! Come to think of it, I'd need TWO of those. . .one for catering, and another one for sewing supplies!

posts: 313
(11/6/00 7:32:19 pm)

Re: Craft Storage Idea

I have a tool box that is a step stool, also.....I have several of them....when we were going to horse shows....I'd fill it full of grooming supplies for each horse, and when I was ready to mount up for the class, they came in handy for a "leg up" when no one else is around to help!

-- Anonymous, February 23, 2001

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