Ok, this looks more like home to me...

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Let me get a lay of the land so's I don't shoot myself in the foot.


-- Anonymous, February 22, 2001


I've just come to the conclusion that I'm really weird -- Greenspun is still the only format that makes sense to me.


-- Anonymous, February 22, 2001

Well, this is our bug-out location, so don't be surprised if not a lot of posts, unless ezboard.com goes titsup.com..... :)

-- Anonymous, February 22, 2001

I kinda like it here too but I miss the colors on ezboard! Maybe we can use both. . .

-- Anonymous, February 22, 2001

Well now I'm really confused! When I click the links for the newest posts like "Keep the bounce in your Yarn (SAR01, 2001-02-23)", they take me back to EzBoard???

-- Ron

-- Anonymous, February 23, 2001

Belay that. I now realize that what I was looking at were just copies of EzBoard pages. Looks like Greenspun is a TCL fan. Judging from the fact that these pages have a ".tcl" extension instead of ".html", my guess is they're being generated on the fly by a TCL script.

Anyhow, I would be glad to help archive pages if I can be of service. I have some knowledge of HTML, FTP, and computer programming in general. I'm just wondering why you don't use something like WebSnake to suck the whole site (or pages of interest) off the internet onto someone's hard drive?

-- Ron

-- Anonymous, February 23, 2001

I'm going to let you and Carl and Fiat and the other techies sort that one out! Sounds good to me.

-- Anonymous, February 23, 2001

As long as ezboard stays up, if you hit the links embedded in the archived pages, they will take you back to ezboard, so your replt is posted there, and not here... if ez dies, those links will give you a not found message.. if you want to post a reply here, you have to use the rply button at the BOTTOM of the post...

"tcl" is an extension used here locally by Greenspun... look up at anymessage...

As tp using an automated tool to copy over the entire content, 1/ I don't think it'll work, and keep catagorized the way we want, and 2/ it might bog down this server and highly irritate its owner, which is something we don't want to do...

If someone wants to create a test board, and try it, let us know how it turns out...

-- Anonymous, February 23, 2001

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