Carl, please tell me how to. . . : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Import files "as is," as you did for the archive tests below. Also, how do I import a photo?

-- Anonymous, February 22, 2001


Follow the link to Sar's board... There's a thread titled "Sar let's talk her faster than email... I posted step by step instructions there... she's been a busy beaver moving the stuff she really doesn't want to lose from Inner Connections... now she's got the hang of it, she's smoking along :)

linking a picture.. how can I show this without it trying to do it... let's see if I can put it in brackets.. just don't use the brackets when you try to post a pic...


Don't forget begining and ending quotes!

I'll try and find a quick and dirty html guide for all of us to reference...

-- Anonymous, February 22, 2001

Crap.. it tried to treat the example as html anyway....

Here's a ezcode and html side by side instructions... the only thing is here I think you have to inclose the link in quotes like this "htt......jpg" but maybe I'm wrong and it will work both ways..


-- Anonymous, February 22, 2001

Cool, you don't need the quotes, ignore that, and just use the examples from the link above :)

-- Anonymous, February 22, 2001

Ta muchly!

-- Anonymous, February 22, 2001

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