Link to Saro's Backup Board : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Here' where SARO1 is working on her archives for IC... SARO1's Greenspun Board
PS: Ezcodes don't work here, have to use html.. I think the ezboard help on posting images, etc., showed you both the ezcode way as well as the html way... if that doesn't help, holler and I'll see if I can track down a quick and easy html guide for links, pictures, etc..

-- Anonymous, February 22, 2001


Carl, you think Maher might want a bug-out forum?

-- Anonymous, February 22, 2001

Dont know, ask him... but let's get a few more familiar with getting this set up, I've got a headache :)... I don't know if he has built up a bunch of stuff he wants to archive... at least make sure he has the link here, if ez does go down....

-- Anonymous, February 22, 2001

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