Please ignore--test : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

I SAID it was a test.

-- Anonymous, February 22, 2001


ok....what's the test???

(fiatlux....rubbing her hands together)

i'm real good at "ignore tests"!!

(ignoring is one of my better subjects)



oh how cool!!!

i can EDIT!!


may take me a few minutes (yeah, right) but i'll get this sucker figured out!

(did i pass?) [edit] C- Average [according to Gore tho, this is as good as it gets] LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL [barefoot now dances away and ducks the rocks and eggs and cabbage being thrown at him! OW! Okay! Who threw the tomato?!!]

-- Anonymous, February 22, 2001

I wanna edit! I wanna edit! How you doin' dat?!?!

Was this an ignorance test?

-- Anonymous, February 22, 2001


-- Anonymous, February 22, 2001

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