Specs of a good VCD

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I'm having a hell of a time trying to convertVHS tapes or even TV scenes to VCD so it will play on my VCD player. Is there any way to take a VCD (.dat) file and see what format it was converted to so I can convert it the same way. I'm using a Dazzle EmMe USB capture device and zlso Power VCR to convert. Thanks, Howie

-- Howie Huck (hhuck@citlink.net), February 19, 2001


There is only one VCD standard you have to stick to, regardless of you input format/resolution.

It is 352x240 (NTSC) or 352X288(PAL), CBR 1150, audio 44.1Khz, 224Kbits PERIOD.

There is no need to figure out the format of the VCD .DAT file. The trick is which tool was used to convert into that file. Too bad, there is no way to tell. And that makes the quality difference.

-- (ktnwin@excite.com), February 20, 2001.

Your question is confusing........well, all I can say is if you wanna know if a .DAT stream is VCD compliant, first convert it to a .MPG file (or just rename it) and then check if it is VCD compliant by opening it with Ifilm Edit. Ifilm Edit will tell you if any MPG stream is VCD compliant or not.

-- MrVCD (not@vailible.com), February 22, 2001.

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