New version of TMPGEnc : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

-- Ross McL (, February 19, 2001


Looking closely at the 12c templates provided by TMPGEnc tends to indicate there maybe slight differences from previous versions so I have made some modified templates for 12c (only SVCD at the moment) that some may like to try.

I will add to the pack as time permits and they are downloadable from my web site. I have also added some observations to the SVCD page.

There are some nice changes in 12c apart from the fixes listed on the site and the testing I have done tends to indicate a slightly better image. I did not get any reduced encoding times when compared to 12a with my P3 800.

All we need now is:

1) An option to encode multiply avi files to one output file

2) Premiere plugin to compete with LSX, if LSX ever gets interlaced fields right then LSX may well win if TMPGEnc does nothing about it. Most will accept what currently is provided by LSX but motion from an LSX encode is not as good as TMPGEnc and so TMPGEnc is now only holding on by a smaller than ever before margin in the quality stakes.

-- Ross McL (, February 22, 2001.

hi anyone, I'm looking for a link for downloading the old version of TMPGEnc (12a). Anyone knows where to get it? please email me. thanks

-- John tetsuo (, March 21, 2002.

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