Southern bay window caboose mid-1950s : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread |
This question is posted as a general plea for help in the restoration of a caboose.Thronateeska Heritage Center (Albany, GA) is nearing completion of a restoration project involving Southern caboose X401, built in 1969. Due to modifications made to the car soon after it was acquired in the late 1980s, it is being restored as an older Southern bay window caboose that was acquired by Georgia Northern Railway in the 1950s. On the GN Ry it was numbered X153. I have not been able to determine its original Southern number.
Thronateeska is hoping to have the exterior appearance as close to X153's as possible. It appears from a photograph of X153 that the "GEORGIA NORTHERN" letters are 8 to 9 inches tall while the car number on the bay may be 6 inches. I am trying to find information as to the lettering style and sizes appropriate for Southern bay window cabooses in the mid-1950s. It looks like GN Ry followed the Southern practice. I have tried to contact several of the Southern-related web sites with no luck. If possible, please respond directly to my e-mail address. We are about two weeks away from completion. Any assistance would be appreciated.
Thanks, Stephen S. Syfrett, Chairman Railroad Restoration Projects Committee Thronateeska Heritage Center Albany, GA
-- Stephen S. Syfrett (, February 18, 2001