Star Wars VCD - Censored or cut-out scenes : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi everybody .. I am just starting to get into VCDs .. I have ordered 1 VCD from Eureka movies .. hopefully everything goes ok .. anyway .. I am curious .. I have heard that there are different censorship laws in Asia .. and that they may cut stuff up and out with no reason at all ...

My question ... has anybody seen the Star Wars movies? (1, 4, 5, 6) Was anything cut out or censored? This is the determining factor in this purchase for me ...



-- Rhett Hoss (, February 18, 2001


Go to this site for more details on what gets cut out of Malaysian movies - I have all of the Star Wars VCD's (from Cool) and the quality is superb and nothing was cut out ( there was no nudity to begin with. )

I cannot stress enough the importance of buying from a good quality store - the cheap pirates that have proliferated on the web usually churn out really bad quality VCD's.

-- Waynne Smith (, February 18, 2001.

Thanks for the reply about the SW movies .. I was just wondering cuz they swear a couple of times in the movie .. and I want it to be the full movie. How do you feel about Have you heard anything good about them? Bad?

Thank you for your answer. (I was having email problems - that IS my email address .. it's fixed now, though :))


Rhett Hoss

-- rhett hoss (, February 18, 2001.

They used to be called I am not too impressed with them - I placed a big order and some of the titles sent were sent in place of items I ordered although they will let me have the missing titles free with my next order - but I don't think they will get that 'next order' and one item had no editing (and should have) leading me to question it's originality - search this board for others comments!!

I don't mean to be too negative cos every store has happy and unhappy customers - but I stick to the larger suppliers who have never given me any problems at all.

-- Waynne Smith (, February 18, 2001.

Out of curiosity, since I am from Malaysia, and I can purchase VCD straight from the local video store, what is the publisher (maker) or label of the VCD you get in the mail? There are many (eg MTV, HVN, Sunny, Movie Magic, Sendi Mutiara, etc-all legal copies)and a store cannot stick to one label but have to source from a few labels to make up his catalogue. Warning here is that some of them contain subtitles in Chinese, English and even Malay).

-- hwalim (, February 20, 2001.

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