
greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

I'm trying to get up and running for the competition, but I can't start this version of mame. It tells me a required DLL is missing (audioW32.dll)and will do no more. I run pretty well every other form of mame known to man using W98ME. Where can I find this DLL (Yes, I've tried the internet) or should I just give up before I've started and get my coat?


-- Ian Hawkins (ian@hawkins.softnet.co.uk), February 17, 2001


There is a link to it on the 'Old Versions Of MAME' page.

-- LordGaz (garyjlee@hotmail.com), February 17, 2001.

did you got this dll i have the same problem what should i do?

-- vallentino (yuvalro@post.tau.ac.il), February 04, 2003.

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