greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread


-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), February 16, 2001


http://www.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/meast/02/16/iraq.airstrike/index.ht ml

-- Buddy (buddydc@go.com), February 16, 2001.

and I just passed wind, the result of eating too many frijole's for lunch; an event of equal interest and importance.....

-- Yawn (ain't is a fool@drudge.stool.com), February 16, 2001.

and I just passed wind, the result of eating too many frijole's for lunch; an event of equal interest and importance.....

YOU are the MORON! Tell me stupid...got any relatives serving in the military over there?

I suggest you engage your brain before opening your very LARGE mouth next time.

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), February 16, 2001.

....or own any STOCK?

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), February 16, 2001.

got any relatives serving in the military over there?

Now the ABOVE comment I AGREE wholeheartedly with.

-- whaz up (whats@ina.name), February 16, 2001.

The US attack on Iraq may have had the timing altered to blunt comments on the unfortunate US submarine sinking of the Japanese ship, just as the US invasion of Grenada in 1983 came on the heels of the 1983 attack on US Marines in Lebanon.

I rather think that at least one forum participant would have raised this possibility before now, had the US presidential election not been won by Bush.

-- skyroot (skyroot@msn.com), February 16, 2001.

I knew Dumbya was gonna do this. He can't wait for Saddam to die from cancer, he wants to finish him off since his father was too much of a wimp to do it. What a fucking jerk, putting our security at risk to satisfy his retarded ego.

Funny how Dumbya launched the attack immediately AFTER he landed in Mexico to meet with Fox, just in case Saddam has some nukes ready to detonate on our turf. What a wussy.

He's going to continue to get us into military conflicts so that he can have a good excuse to sign more huge weapons contracts to make his friends in the defense industry richer. What a major league asshole.

-- Dumbya (what@an.asshole), February 16, 2001.

with hands on those wide hips, aint stamps those feet and whines "YOU are the MORON! Tell me stupid...got any relatives serving in the military over there? "

In the iraqi or us military? the answer to both is, no

aint continues to whine with the following .... "I suggest you engage your brain before opening your very LARGE mouth next time. "

why? for someone who thinks out of his ass, you have a lot of room to talk!

-- what a bore (byte_me@moron.com), February 17, 2001.

"STRATEGIC" Air Attack???

Anti-aircraft fire is making our patrol pilots nervous so they blow the fuck out of the anti-aircraft guns. Duuuh. How is that strategic?

-- wow! (dumbya @ learned a. new word), February 17, 2001.

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