Zwaxy - or anybody in charge, please read :) : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

I just sent this to you by mail but your server bummed out so I'm trying this way...or maybe anyone else on the MARP Team could help me out :)

Hi Zwaxy :) I just signed up for the Championship and in the process realised that I have no clue of marp my password anymore. I got it sent over but either the script doesn't work or it sends it to an ancient addy of mine, god knows which :( Could you please let me know my password so I can update all that and check on my old scores (no matter how lowly they are :)) Name KiLLerCloWn Short KC To Cheers :) KC You know it makes sense!

-- KiLLerCloWn (, February 16, 2001

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