Puffy and Jennifer.

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Does anyone besides me really give a damn about puffy and his big butt, ex-girlfriend?

-- Anonymous, February 16, 2001


I mostly think that it's the sensible thing for him to finally publically admit it since Jennifer has obviously moved on. She's been seen with dates who weren't Puffy recently, so it was silly to keep pretending they were together.

-- Anonymous, February 16, 2001

For some reason I thought JLo was really pretty. I've seen her in recent interviews and, she's not. I mean, she is, but not beautiful like I was thinking. She's definitely no Brittany Spears and she just barely meets the Christina Agumalaria standard. She is nice to look at. Of course, any woman with a personal entourage dedicated to fixing her up will look attractive. She does have dark skin which I'm a big fan of.

Puffy could have any number of girls he wants cuz his freakin' "pockets are swoll". I think JLo got what she needed from puffy combs and in order to save her image, moved on in light of the legal troubles he's facing much like a campaigning AlGore disowning the X-Clinton.

-- Anonymous, February 16, 2001

JLo is far prettier than those two little Barbie dolls that are destroying pop music. She can do better than Puffy.

And I like her big butt.

-- Anonymous, February 16, 2001

I'm really not crazy about J.Lo. (And I hate that moniker.) She seems, well, kinda trashy to me. And her whole appearance in "The Wedding Planner" was, at the least confounding. She just doesn't have the right look to play an anal, prim'n'proper type. In fact, she's the opposite.

Puffy just grosses me out. Makes me sad America is in love with these two...

-- Anonymous, February 16, 2001

I would like to, in the future, be referred to as JLa. Thank you.

It's funny that it's breaking news, now. But I can't see that any one really does care a whole lot. Tom-n-Nicole are much more the Ohmigod du jour, I think. According to Us magazine, anyway.

In a recent press release, Puffy said his latest fashion show was dedicated to The Bottom, and that he'd love her forever, and he's never loved anyone as much as he loved mz lopez.

Meanwhile, Mz Lopez is in the arms of one of her choreographers. And her father says, according to my-aunt-who-works-with-him, that's she been over Puff for a long, long time.

-- Anonymous, February 17, 2001

It's funny someone mentioned Tom and Nicole. You should have been here in Australia when *that* news broke. All over TV news, newspapers and the weekly women's mags put out issues three days early to cover the fuss. Sure, I'm as interested in the sordid private lives of celebrities as much as the next person but I just though the media spent a ridiculous amount of energy covering that story.

-- Anonymous, February 18, 2001

I thought they said Tom was gay anyway. Jennifer Lopez is not as good looking as Brittany - no way. Did you see her on stage with Aerosmith at Superbowl halftime? My god! She looked almost trailer parkish with that big hair - damb near perfect. All she needed to make her the complete package for po' redneck girl next door fetishers everywhere was the half blonde half brunette dark roots thing going on and dirty barefeet.

-- Anonymous, February 20, 2001

It's a great story. I really am sorry that Puffy lost her, because now who will care if the choreographer (allegedly) gets messed up at a club and (purportedly) starts shooting up the place? It wouldn't be a story without two stars and a car chase.

-- Anonymous, February 20, 2001

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