VC filters with Aristo cold light on Omega D-2 : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Going along with VC filters with cold light heads, does anyone have a solution for changing filters, above the neg stage, on an Omega D-2, I use an Aristo Hi-45, the housing lies flat against the neg stage, easy to place a VC filter above the neg but that's the only filter your dealing with, replacing that filter with another, for highlights, causes the image to go out of alignment...any solutions...thanks, Jack

-- Jack Guckian (, February 15, 2001


You cannot change the filter at the negative stage. Get a filter ring adaptor that fits your enlarging lens and get a Kodak holder for 3x3 inch filters and the rings to attach to your lens. Then get a set of 3x3 vc filters for below the lens. Also you might need to change the cold light tube to a V45. The Hi-45 does not have very much green in the light.

-- Louis Jensen (, February 15, 2001.

I made up a 6*6 filter holder from aluminum sheet that fits under the coldlight and is spaced a bit away from negative. You could do the same with 1/2" to 3/4" varnished plywood with a 6" diameter hole in it as the spacer. Three thin strips of plastic or metal sheet as guides for the filters would be attached on top of the plywood and arranged so that there was a 6*6 square space between them for the filters. A bit of masking tape and black fabric or plastic would make a seal.



-- Duane K (, February 16, 2001.

How about just using under the lens filters?! Cheers

-- Scott Walton (, February 20, 2001.

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