TMPGEnc bitrate setting : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

After downloading the latest version of TMPGEnc (12b), I have noticed the bitrate settings for the Video CD template is not the standard 1150kbps. Why is it different and does it affect playback. the itrate is 1246kbps, this sounds like an XVCD and I have had some trouble with playback of these. just wondering if anyone has an answer as to why the bitrate is dofferent and if I should bother playing with it(knock it down to 1150)?

-- derek sider (, February 13, 2001


To be in "spec" the total combined bit rate of both audio and video should be less than 1.5 Mb/s The given normal 1.15 is conservative enough to work with the highest bit rate audio available in the VCD white book standard. Modifying it to the lower figure probably won't compromise the video quality that much at such low bit rates, and would "insure" your final file is well within specs.

Something to check. There are several VCD profiles. (I haven't used the VCD profile much myself) Make sure you are using the one you really want. For example there's a "film" version and if I remember you also have the ability to change the profile and make it variable bit rate vs constant bit rate. You'd want CBR for Video CD.

-- Rich (, February 13, 2001.

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