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Ok I was just wondering this is probaly a stupid question but are and the same company. I recently bought from it hasn't arrived yet and it's my first VCD purchase. I was wondering if the are diff. which seems highly unlikely, which one is better. Both sasy they have original VCDs, and I sure hope does cause I ordered from there. help a poor guy out and set me straight.
-- Tyler Briley (, February 12, 2001
I rate and rank the main VCD sites from Malaysia. Both the stores you mention are listed on my site. They both compete with each other and I doubt that they are run by the same person - although they may use the same wholesaler so their prices and range are similar.
I will only list stores which sell original disks and that I have ordered from and got good service from. The ratings are based on my experience with each of the stores, and on the feedback I receive - please drop by and let me know how you have got on.
-- Waynne Smith (, February 13, 2001.
I agree with Waynne. I don't think they are the same companies. I dealt with both in the past and both have very different policies.
-- willard (, February 13, 2001.
thx for the help guys
-- Tyler Briley (, February 13, 2001. operates by a teenager and copied the web site design and contents from
-- anonymous (, February 15, 2001.
seems to me is a better one and furthermore i think they have been around longer than anyone else. they're the pioneer i suppose. they're my first vcd vendor and also the last one, cause i'm gonna stick with them forever! by the way, i should give credit to their customer support fellow mason! well done & keep up the good work.i don't know about, never been there and don't bother too.
-- Anonymous (, February 16, 2001. previous owner and founder are no longer there. It is now operated by someone else!
-- anonymous (, February 16, 2001.
I have bought from Videomas and they have original vcd. Their distributor is Speedy Video and Carlsberg an original vcd wholesaler from Malaysia. Trust me I know. But I'm not sure where Carlsber came from.
-- Kenny.K (, February 17, 2001.
Did anyone order any VCDs from before?
-- Kevin Chan (, November 06, 2001.
well as far as i know I have purchase only in i have recive all the movies I purchase and I still looking to get on the web to keep buying from them but Can anyone tell me what happen with the web page or what is the new adress
-- alfa1 (, September 06, 2003.
I use They dont advertise vcd but will do them. I used them after dissappeard
-- (, November 16, 2003.
Dont you mean . I use them also and they use the same supplier as videocds2000. You can tell by the disc quality
-- anonymous (, December 23, 2003.