Qulaity of SW Trilogy from www.videocds.com

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi, I was just wondering something. Yesterday I puurchased the Star Wars Trilogy on VCD from videocds.com. I was just wondering if anyone who may have bought the same thing from the same site could tell me if they are original and not screened or pirated. It hasn't arrived so I'm just hoping it's not a fake. They showed a pic on their website and I saw the lucasfilm logo and the box and everything. I got it for $28.99 w/ free express delivery. I also saw it at asiacd.com but it was $38.99. I'm wondering if the range in prices are for quality. If anyone has purchased a copy of this from videocds.com and can tell me that they are real and not screeners then I would greatly appreciate it thanks.

-- Tyler Briley (UHF325@aol.com), February 12, 2001


Hi Tyler. It's me again. I think you can rest assured that the set you ordered is genuine. I got mine from www.vcdgallery.com at only $27.00. It has great pictures and excellent sound quality. Enjoy!

-- willard (will@myemail.com), February 13, 2001.

thanks for the help

-- Tyler Briley (UHF325@aol.com), February 13, 2001.

one more thing.....subtitles? I sure hope not

-- Tyler Briley (UHF325@aol.com), February 14, 2001.

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