Nudge, Nudge : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

I returned last evening from a four-day trip up north. A pleasure trip. And indeed it was just that. Those of you who've been around awhile know I hail from NJ and carry a bit of a chip on my shoulder regarding the Garden State. Each time I return there ghosts from my past materialize, so to speak, eager to raise up and foster a sense a dread within me. I enjoy a good inner battle, but the experience has never failed to exhaust me.

This trip, I'm happy to report, was very different. No ghosts were encountered. Just honest to goodness flesh and bone people. Listed among my itinerary were meetings with two long-term posters to this and previous board incarnations. I've had the pleasure of meeting IRL with a long list of forum posters going back some two years. Each occasion, each individual provided a boost to my somewhat lacking yet ever-increasing optimism that there are in fact good, kind, compassionate people "out there". The two folks I met with over the past four days served to reinforce and magnify this feeling.

I had not intended to post anything about this trip, if for no other reason than to honor their privacy, which I shall do by not mentioning their handles. But thinking it over while sipping coffee this morning I realized the vast majority of you, poster and lurker alike, have not taken steps to meet and greet IRL. You don't know what you are missing! I urge each and every one of you to at least consider it. My life has been enriched greatly from these experiences.

A special thanks you two, for letting me see into your lives just a little more deeply, for trusting me, and for having the courage to sow seeds of friendship. :0)

-- Rich (, February 12, 2001

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