need help to make vcd with dazzle : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

i have maked a lot of tried but the result it's real bad.... which steps to capture a video from a panasonic dv camcoder and to make a nice video cd possibly in mpeg2 ?????

thank a lot before (and sorry for my english i'm from italy)

-- Renato Bosia (, February 12, 2001



If you have a DV cam, you may be better off getting a DV firewire card, not that expensive, around US$100. Usually it comes with a software to let you download the video. I use AVI_IO with my Hauppauge DV Wizard card. Then use TMPEG to make VCD compliant MPEG with very nice result.


-- Rusman E. Priyana (, February 12, 2001.

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