BAD HAIR DAYS -- ARE YOU HAPPY??? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

My first comment,,, Your bad hair day is so cute,, born with bad hair? what makes it bad? funny....ok so you shave your head and what will your next title be?? So life is fun and how happy are you?? from one to 10..????? bc

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2001


This morning, I am but a 0.5 on the happy meter. My hair is fine but my brain is tired.

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2001

Yes I am how happy!!! Shave my head--title baldy, score for fun ;;; 8 and going up!

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2001

I am now at 0.3 after trying to figure out what in the hale the above posts means.

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2001

You got the first one, but that one left you confused?

I'm about a .2 on the happy meter, just because I'm jealous that I'm not getting the same kind of high quality drugs that Bill (and possibly h) is getting.

Going back to bed now ...

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2001

I'm sub-zero. Two weeks after an apendectomy, I have a rip-roaring sinus infection. My immune system is for shit. I'm on 1500 mgs. of Amoxicillin a day for 14 days, so I'm going to get the scariest yeasty beasty ever. Y'all can kiss my leavened ass.

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2001

If h is happy, then I am too - but I hope she doesn't shave her head.

I don't want to "qualify" my happiness with a "number" - that only leads to grumbling from those with lesser scores. Let's just say that I have PAID MY DUES and if I am now happy, I have jolly well earned it.

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2001

So does that mean you guys signed the papers on your house?

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2001

So you wanted to know how I be
My happiness rates just about three
But if I lost my head
And could just stayed in bed
My happiness would be one-thirty

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2001

I am very happy now that I've finished a despicable work chore that was hanging over my head since last week.

I'm spending the last hour of my workday making fingerpuppets out of my Bugle's Crispy Corn Snacks, so I can get friendly with them before I bite their little heads off.

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2001


Feh. Maybe happy lowercase, and with far fewer punctuation marks this weekend. Not happy now. One to ten? Let's talk imaginary numbers and fuzzy math.

I hate. I hate. I hate the fuckhead I'm supposed to report to at work. He's not my boss. He's a rotten, lying, nasty, self-absorbed twelve year old child. I hate him, and there's no way around him. He's making me want to quit this job that I otherwise quite like. He's making me want to be a monk when I grow up. Or a professional snowboarder. Or a murdering psychopath who kills pathologically awful bosses and disposes of their still-beating hearts in a limestone bath.

Ask me how happy I am when I quit. Soon.

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2001

Sober here in Sac. Geez, guys, I thought I would try the native language of the original post out. Glad to have ruined rudeboy. Er, crudeboy.

How am now,,,6.7! for name of man wrong!!

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2001

Happy? Yes. Probably 8.0 out of a possible 10. I have a beautiful wife who loves me and it's reciprocated, I'm not wealthy but I'm healthy and not starving. I have kids I love...

Yet two years ago, if you had asked me, it would be a 9.0.

One-fourth of my heart was cut out when Jamie died. I still don't sleep as good as I used to, and I think it's because my subconscious is afraid of facing that harsh truth---that I don't get the deepest sleep anymore.

Some part of me still won't face it.


-- Anonymous, February 12, 2001

2. Today I am a 2. I am tired, I'm cranky. I was just over at the damn lunch thread and so now I am hungry. I want my bed, Aleve, diet pepsi and snuggles from my warm and toasty dog. I did not want to get up this morning. I will be better at 5. Sorry.

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2001

Man, I haven't been happy much since school started again. I don't think I've remotely been happy at all.

Right now I'm in a slightly cheerier mood than usual, my usual mood being about 1. Today's maybe a 3 or 4, mainly because I won't have to go to school until 10 as opposed to 8:30 tomorrow, and I got a package, and a deadline of mine has been moved back a few weeks. Hooray to all of that!

Tomorrow, however, I will probably be in the negative numbers of total unhappiness. I hate that day.

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2001

Just knowing that many of you were miserable helped boost my own rating to a seven point four three three three, then I got to Al's post. That made me sad. Back down to a 0.5. Then I read about someone having to go back to school. Just knowing that it's not me makes my heart happy again.

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2001

Because you know Rudeboy, we are all here for your benefit and yours alone.

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2001

I'm usually the happiest guy I know. I don't know why. But I'm a little sub-par today, as I'm fighting off a cold. So put me down as a 7.

Make that 7.5. Buffy's on tonight.

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2001

mis - you know I have a thing for bitchiness, right? You know that it turns me on to no end, right? You realize that I'm starting to like you, right?

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2001

oh rudie, you say that about all the girls.

my happiness is at about a .01 at the moment. check me later once i've gotten a few beers under my belt.

or tomorrow when i start taking zyban. this could get interesting.

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2001

Happy? It's BUFFY!!! tonight,,,all new. And a beer. And my cats. Pretty darn happy, I suppose.

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2001


bite me.

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2001

Oh, Mis. You went and encouraged him.

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2001

He's gonna go profess his undying love for you on vodkatea now.

Do not provoke the rudeboy, it just turns him on.

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2001


-- Anonymous, February 14, 2001

Promises, promises.

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2001

I was happy that Buffy was on last night, that is until I watched it... that was no Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered. I'm watching the digitized BBB at work to clear my head. It's so good!

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2001

Well, i'm pretty damn happy, like a 9.7 because i'm going back to school in May, i'm taking Travel and Tourism which is fascinating and will open a whole new world for me, and (drumroll), i'm getting married!


Sorry. I'm calm now.

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2001

I'm half-happy because it's reading week/spring break. Time to tinker and totally screw up my linux installation!

Then again, I'm half sad/worried/whatever at the prospect of losing my badly paying job.

Then again, every day is a bad hair day for me. My hair was cut too short. I guess I'm 4.5 happy, and 5.5 sad. But this line: "So life is fun and how happy are you??" makes me laugh.

-- Anonymous, February 20, 2001

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