can i play vcd in cd rom drive without help of a computer : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

i want to know whether i can play vcd with out the help of computer just by connecting the power to an cd rom drive and by using some hardwares if any one tried this please help me through my email o.k

-- sreejith r.b (, February 11, 2001


please if you have any answer to your question (play vcd in cd rom), let me also know how can i do thanks... bilbo from france

my mail : bilebo@netcourrier from france

-- bilbo for play a vcd in a cd rom (, May 09, 2001.

anyone got the answer, I have the old cd rom player and i want to use it to watch vcd at TV

-- mznudin (, July 05, 2001.

anyone got the answer please email me also thanks

-- allan (, December 30, 2001.

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