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Our favorite solid citizen, OJ Simpson, is back in the news.http://www.cnn.com/2001/LAW/02/09/simpson.altercation.ap/index.html
He should take some anger management lessons from the good Mayor of Miami.
-- Barry (bchbear863@cs.com), February 09, 2001
LinkHmmm...acting violent when his kids are around...nice father figure..yeah right!
-- Peg (pegmcleod@mediaone.net), February 09, 2001.
Has he found the "real killers" yet? I think there's at least one golf course here in LV he hasn't checked yet.
-- (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), February 09, 2001.
Is there anyone here who thinks OJ didn't do it? Just curious
-- (cin@cin.cin), February 09, 2001.
Cin..Nicole and Ron commited sucide, didn't cha know?just kidding ;)
-- Peg (pegmcleod@mediaone.net), February 09, 2001.
I mean, wouldn't it be weird if we ALL actually AGREED on something? huh? hmm? huh?
-- (cin@cin.cin), February 10, 2001.