Ashcroft stands by gun owners (Unlike Clinton/Reno et al) - 'Law-abiding citizens have a right under our Constitution to have firearms' : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Ashcroft stands by gun rights in interview with CNN's Larry King By Jon Sawyer Post-Dispatch Washingtion bureau
WASHINGTON - The arrest of an armed man outside the White House Wednesday has not changed Attorney General John Ashcroft's view that the cure for gun violence in America is better enforcement, not more laws.
"Law-abiding citizens have a right under our Constitution to have firearms," Ashcroft said during an interview on CNN's "Larry King Live," "but there's no reason for us to look the other way when people misuse them and commit crimes. We should nail them."
In the interview, his first since taking office last week, Ashcroft also pledged that he would aggressively enforce laws against discrimination, "escalate" the war on drugs and work to end violence against women.
"These fundamental things are the kinds of protections of persons, their rights and their property that individual citizens have the right to expect of government," Ashcroft said. "I want to make the Justice Department a place where they get it."
Ashcroft said he was "absolutely" committed to choosing an assistant attorney general for civil rights who would crack down on discrimination.
"If it's not I'll get another one," he said.
Ashcroft told King that he harbors no bitterness about the attacks he endured during his Senate confirmation, which ended in a 58-42 vote in his favor.
"As Dick Vitale says, a W is a W," said Ashcroft, adding that in his opinion the Senate ought to ask tough questions.
He voiced no regrets about his own positions, saying that he still believed Missouri Supreme Court Justice Ronnie White was unsuited for the federal bench.
"Do you have any regrets about anything you have done?" a caller from Houston asked. Ashcroft didn't volunteer any.
Ashcroft said he was "surprised" by some of the last-minute pardons granted by President Bill Clinton.
"The American people are troubled," he said, when a pardon "seems to be for financial contributions or for political contributions."
Earlier Wednesday Ashcroft made his first tour of the FBI building and met with St. Louis Police Chief Ron Henderson. Ashcroft's aides downplayed speculation that he might be considering Henderson for a Justice Department job. Henderson said before the meeting that he hadn't discussed a job change but was open to the possibility.
"I'm not here specifically to talk about a job," he said. "I'm always looking to better my life." Henderson has previously expressed interest in a job as U.S. Marshal, which is a presidential appointment.
Henderson's visit was arranged by Charles Polk, the St. Louis attorney who advised Ashcroft during the confirmation process. Ashcroft greeted Henderson and his wife, Peggy, in his fifth-floor offices.
"I'm glad to welcome law enforcement to this office," he said. "The truth is, the people on the street are the people pursuing the law."
The meeting was one of several early steps by Ashcroft that appeared to signal an intent to soften some of the rough edges left from the confirmation process.
Henderson and Polk are both African-Americans. Justice Department sources anticipate an announcement soon that the department's No. 2 official, the deputy attorney general, will be Larry Thompson, also an African-American, a former U.S. attorney in Atlanta.
Civil-rights criticism of Ashcroft focused on his opposition to White. Henderson said he had not taken a position on White's nomination but that he believes the issue should now be put to rest.
Ashcroft stands by gun owners - 'Law-abiding citizens have a right under our Constitution to have firearms'
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, February 08, 2001
Maria's got a gun...
-- Uncle Bob (, February 08, 2001.
Justice Department sources anticipate an announcement soon that the department's No. 2 official, the deputy attorney general, will be Larry Thompson, also an African-American, a former U.S. attorney in Atlanta.UPCOMING HEADLINE: RACIST ASHCROFT INSTALLS AFRICAN AMERICAN AS DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL!
ROFL at the 'bleeding' heart, 'feeling', 'compasionate', "I feel your pain" liberals!
Buy a stinking vowel will ya!
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, February 08, 2001.
Maria's got a gun...So do I Uncle Bob...SEVERAL in fact! My wife is an excellent shot with virtually any one of our pistols. That BTW have NO trigger locks on them.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, February 08, 2001.
That should have read....Me & my wife are excellent shots... ;-)
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, February 08, 2001.
That should have read.... Me & my wife are excellent shots... ;-)Actually, it should read:
My wife & I are excellent shots... ;-)
-- Uncle Bob (, February 08, 2001.
:-)I'm sure the usuall liberal crowd will be here soon to 'straighten' both of us out.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, February 08, 2001.
In the interview, his first since taking office last week, Ashcroft also pledged that he would aggressively enforce laws against discrimination, "escalate" the war on drugs and work to end violence against women."These fundamental things are the kinds of protections of persons, their rights and their property that individual citizens have the right to expect of government," Ashcroft said
Who the hell does this guy think he is kidding? Ashcroft wants to "escalate" the war on the Constitution is what he is really doing...fundamental protections my ass, who protects the otherwise law abiding pot smoker from this asshole and his goons? Who protects the innocent homeowner who's home is invaded by hyped up drug warriors who got the address wrong? He is at war with all citizens of the US, make no mistake about that, the innocent get will get swept up in the war along with the "guilty". And the rights of privacy and the pursuit of happiness will suffer for it.
-- Uncle Deedah (, February 08, 2001.
Unk:You will see that he wants to limit gun ownership. That will be in the future, but it will come. No reference; just remembering what he said in the past. I have listened to him for decades. Let me be the first to say, I told you so.
-- Z1X4Y7 (, February 08, 2001.
>>"Law-abiding citizens have a right under our Constitution to have firearms,"That's not 100% accurate. The right is not *granted* 'under the Constitution.' Instead, the Constitution simply recognizes the pre- existing right of citizens to keep and bear arms, a right that overrides the authority of a government to forestall the right. In other words, the legitimacy of a government to override the pre- existing, overriding right is denied. In short, the Bill of Rights limits the government, it is not a case of the government 'granting a right' to citizens. In this example, it is not in the government's capacity to grant such a boon.
That's what the Constitution says.
-- AnotherSide (and@more.stuff), February 08, 2001.
Unk-I was going to say the same thing earlier today. I have great difficulty understanding people who think there needs to be a war on drugs at all.
It is highly humorous that on another thread recently started Jose talks about liberals not admitting when throwing money at a problem has not solved it.
What gives here? The war on drugs has been a colossal waste of money- so throw more at it? I did not know Asjcroft was a liberal Makes my day.
-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), February 08, 2001.
Truth be told FS, I don't see any more "liberals" voice their opinion against the drug war than I see conservatives voice same.
-- Uncle Deedah (, February 08, 2001.