Now hear this! : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

***This is not me- it's a fakir- UNK D*** I've spent a couple of months monitoring this forum without any help, renumeration, thank you's or any other God damn thing else. I was going to work with Bemused and Bemused ONLY to clear up the crap. When you walk in the door you read "Unk's Wild Wild West" and that's what this is.

The forum God has spoken.

-- Uncle Deedah (, February 07, 2001


A bump to New Answers for his eminence.

Remembering to walk away facing the throne with head bowed...

-- Rich (, February 07, 2001. AINT no internet god to me.




-- sumer (shh@aol.con), February 07, 2001.

Where's the ring? Are we supposed to kiss the ring?

Jeez, I don't want to screw this up.........are we supposed to genuflect as well?!?!

-- (somewhat) faithful subject..... (, February 07, 2001.

You go UNK! Never hurts to weed the garden once in a while.

-- Barry (, February 07, 2001.

As an atheist, I don't believe in the existance of any god(s). And yet, I've always believed in the existance of Unk. Now Unk's just declared himself forum god. So now I've got one hell of a case of cognitive dissonance to work out. Thanks.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, February 07, 2001.

I've spent a couple of months monitoring this forum without any help, renumeration, thank you's or any other God damn thing else.

Total lie. Many HAVE thanked you. MANY.

-- (fuck@you.whoeverUare), February 07, 2001.

and yes that was me. 4got to sign my name.

IF my ISP is delivered to ANYONE and my job is jeopardized, I will notify WHOEVER necessary.

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), February 07, 2001.

'sumer, just sit back a minute. I understand your not wanting your ISP spread all over the place, but it seems to me that's not what's happening here.

Yes, it's the "Wild Wild West", but (IMO) something has to be done about the imposters stealing other people's handles. This can lead to some serious shit if left uncorrected. While it's true that those of us who've been here awhile can "recognize" certain styles (most of us knew that wasn't U.B. who said that stuff to you and capn on the other thread), there are times when it's really well-disguised.

I've never been a forum administrator here, so I can't even begin to tell you how gathering the ISPs works. I know one thing, though: As this "power" was seriously abused at the old forum (which is where your fear is coming from), we have NO "Dianes" or "Old Gits" here.

You know Unk better than that; I don't think you have anything to worry about.

(Feel free to tell me to shut the f*ck up and mind MYOB. Sorry.)

-- (, February 07, 2001.

sumer! Yo! Calm down. Listen to Capn and Patricia. Lord, woman. Put down that squirt gun! Ah!! NO! NO! Sh*t.

Never mind. Last time I try to break up a snit fit.

Going off to change now. Did she have to soak my...?

-- kb (, February 07, 2001.

Hey, I thought participation here at the Wild, Wild, West was supposed to be *fun*. Personally, I enjoy the back and forth that comes naturally from interactions with various forum members. Hell, I’ve had a barb or two thrown my way….so what? When it gets to the point where ‘sumer’ is, then I suggest looking elsewhere for one’s entertainment. Going back to work might be an option…..or not.

-- Barry (, February 07, 2001.

Sumer, calm down.

What strikes me as funny is that we're on the same page when it comes to internet privacy. I'm sorry I even brought up this issue, but someone was posting as UB, and that kind of thing bugs me. I was offering help, but under no circumstances, none, would I let anyone's IP addresses (not ISP's, you know the difference?) become general knowledge.

As I said before, let's forget the whole idea. I really am sorry, please accept my apology.

-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), February 07, 2001.


It's almost comical that my bi-monthly lurk to this forum should include something like this, but it was expected, IMO.

' BELONG on this forum. No one will ever know your company's ISP address except Unk [who has always known] and the poster Bemused. *I* don't belong on this forum, and I know it. I spent too many years already being the "nice" polly during the whole Y2k thing. Hell...I spent too many years being nice on EVERY forum.

I could even state that I've spent too many years being nice to everyone around me in real life. If you're nice enough, for long enough, you're seen as a doormat.

I suppose I should thank you for suggesting that it wasn't me that posted that shit in response to Kritter a while back. It WAS me. The problem with being nice for a long time is that folks begin to believe that you have no opinions. I HAVE opinions. I've just been able to "see" the opinions of others and try to understand them. This is what liberals do, and I'm, definitely, a ifs, ands, buts about it.

*I* need to spend my internet time planning with other liberals. I don't need to spend time listening to Barry tell me that I've been living off the dole and ... well, you know how Barry gets. The whole theme gets played out on this forum on a daily basis.

YOU, however, have friends here, and you don't seem to have a particular political disposition, despite your vote for Pres., and you seem to be in a position wherein you can have some fun, even while you're on company time. Life's too short to give that up, 'sumer. Life for those on this forum would be a helluva lot easier if Unk [and bemused] spent some time looking at ISP's and could let you know who the imposters were. It seems to me that's their only goal.

-- Anita (, February 07, 2001.

Bemused: NO I do not know the difference, that IS what is scary to me. No offence, but I do not know you either. I accepted your apology on another thread. I do not mean to make a scene, I aplogize for doing so. Yes we are on the same page as far as privacy goes, but understand, I dont know you and as well you dont know me.

Would you feel comfy if I were to have access to that stuff?

Would anyone?

Pat I'd never tell ya to MYOB :-) your my girl.

It ticks me off that he states he's never had a thank ya. Total bs, I've told him plenty that I appreciate him.

He be needing to put down the sauce today and reach into his archives.

As for identity theft, I KNEW that wasnt UB. We have had this problem before.

Remember, I am not real witty w/IP's ISP's whatever the hell they are, I just remember we can get into trouble IF...

Again, my bad, I dont mean to make a scene, but I call it as I see it, others may see it differently that is ok. But when Unc comes out swinging, I'll swing back. Thats me and I dont apologize. Again, he only needs to see the chives to see just how much we the forum have told him of our appreciation.

Meanwhile KB: Sorry I didnt mean to get cha wet.

Barry : Go to hell, your an ass and always will be. Not to mention a shit disrupter.

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), February 07, 2001.


I have seen you thanked more than once. I have never thanked you but I do so now. That plus $3.50 will buy you a coffee at Starbucks.

-- Lars (, February 07, 2001.

I wish KOS was here to interject something about mudwrestling.

-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), February 07, 2001.

Hey Anita,

Good to see you are still up and runnin' hon,hope all is well with you and yours.Drop in more often if ya want,at least drop by the tavern and have a cold one from time to time.

-- capnfun (, February 07, 2001.

sumer was hysterical again today. not surprised? The womans life is hysterical! Idiot sells her vote for drugs and lord knows what else she sells for drugs. Shes stupid! Shes posted to several Lusenet forums and NOW she wants to worry about concealing her IP?

-- (go @way.sumer), February 07, 2001.

Well,I ain't too much into mud but a little jell-o rasslin' never hurt anybody,matter of fact....well that's another story : )

-- capnfun (, February 07, 2001.

……a ‘shit disrupter’?

I’m afraid to ask. Must be an Ohio thing. BTW, I’ve been to hell…..full of delusional liberals with no sense of humor, couldn’t get past the front gate.

-- Barry (, February 07, 2001.

IF my ISP is delivered to ANYONE and my job is jeopardized, I will notify WHOEVER necessary.

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), February 07, 2001.


Ooooh! Ooooh! Ooooh!

Who ya gonna notify, sumer? The ISP Police?

What a dumb twit!

I don't know which one is dumber, "sumer" or "cin"...


-- guess who (, February 07, 2001.

sumer was hysterical again today. not surprised? The womans life is hysterical! Idiot sells her vote for drugs and lord knows what else she sells for drugs. Shes stupid! Shes posted to several Lusenet forums and NOW she wants to worry about concealing her IP?

word up, she sold your mother.

-- What (Whatever@yahoo.cum), February 07, 2001.

Wazzup Hawk? Welcome to the wine and cheese hour.

-- Barry (, February 07, 2001.

Move along, nothing to see, move along.

Hands KB a towel.

Hands Sumer a beer

Hands fake dog shit to the punk in the back bothering the ladies.

-- (Weeble@wee.ble), February 07, 2001.

Make that sumers "whine and cheesy" hour.

Yeah, she made me sell my dad two weeks before so she could shove coke up those huge nostrils of hers. could drive a Mac truck through either one of em. Miss Piggy snorted it all and was jonesin so bad my mother had to go next. figure her kids are next.

-- (go@way.sumer), February 07, 2001.

Thanks Unc, I appreciate your forum.

-- Butt Nugget (, February 07, 2001.


You're not an easy man to forget. I'll remember the fun I had in LV for many years to come, and I'll remember you showing me around the casino, helping me out, even though you knew there was nothing in it for you. Someday you might just want to admit to being a nice guy.

I "snoop" in on this forum about twice/month, just to see what y'all are doing. Right now, I suspect that's a function of having been associated with the folks here for so long. My interests have moved on, and I suspect that my "snooping" will wane as life moves forward. The E-mail's always been real. If you need anything, or just want to chat, you've always known where to find me.

-- Anita (, February 07, 2001.

Hey sumer, here's a buck, go buy some faith in yer old Unk.


-- Uncle Deedah (, February 07, 2001.

Please forgive Sumer. She is an alcoholic with a substantial assortment of emotional problems. Paranoid psychotic behavior is quite common in these cases.

-- cyber freud (therapy@is.recommended), February 07, 2001.

cyber freud

You are a thoughtless dick...

-- Uncle Bob (, February 08, 2001.

" AINT no internet god to me.




-- sumer (shh@aol.con), February 07, 2001. "

Try again Uncle Boob. I think what you meant to say (if you had a brain) is... other people are thoughtless dicks, cyber freud tells the truth.

-- cyber freud (try again @ lame. brain), February 08, 2001.

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