About Poe

greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Work of Edgar Allan Poe : One Thread

What is the statue sitting by the window in Poe's room?

What was the last thing written by Poe?

Who is the 'Poe toaster'?

What was Poe's Baltimore address?

Wat kind of substance abuse was Poe accused for?

Can you give me three ailments that afflicted Poe?

What was Poe's financial status?

What was Poe's social status?

-- Anonymous, February 07, 2001


What's up. It's pretty sad that I don't know his Balto address cause I live like right there. But anyway, Poe abused alcohol...He had a "Baltimore Lemonade" and passed out in the gutter. They brought him to the hospital and that;s where he died. His financial status was very poor, he could barely afford to eat. Good luck.

-- Anonymous, February 07, 2001


Which window, which room, in which house, in which city?

The last poem written by Poe is thought to be his "Annabel Lee" which he finished in the spring of 1849 and was published in the New York Tribune on October 9, 1849, the very day he was laid to rest in Baltimore. Poe had made several signed copies for his friends. There are those that speculate that Poe knew he was dying and this was the reason for the signed copies. There is no evidence to substantiate this and significant cause to believe the contrary. His last story "Landor's Cottage" which was published on June 9, 1849 in the Flag of Our Union is also a contender for his last work but most likely was completed before the spring of 1849.

The Poe Toaster is a man of unknown identity that, since 1949, makes an annual pilgrimage on the anniversary of Edgar Poe's birth of January 19th. He leaves three roses and a partial bottle of cognac in respectful tribute to the author. The three roses are thought to represent the three people who are buried there, Edgar Allan Poe, Virginia Clemm Poe and Maria Poe Clemm. (Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore)

Poe's Baltimore address was 203 Amity Street. It was originally 3 Amity Street. (Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore)

Edgar Allan Poe is alleged to have abused alcohol and opium in the form of a laudanum. There is evidence that he had a cyclic predisposition to drink to excess that alternated between long periods of temperance. There is little credible evidence to confirm that Poe suffered an addiction to opium based laudanum.

Dr. Valentine Mott concurred with Ms. Marie Louise Shew, Virginia's nurse and caregiver, that Poe suffered from a "brain lesion." Dr. John W. Francis diagnosed some form of heart disease in 1848, which Poe denied. There are any number of other illnesses he is said to have been afflicted with at one time or another. Some of these are tuberculosis, diabetes, epilepsy, catalepsy and in 1996, even rabies. Given that epidemics were not uncommon throughout New England during this period, he may easily have been subjected to such diseases as cholera, typhus or yellow fever.

If there is anything scholars and most enthusiasts agree upon, it is that Poe's finances were almost always... dismal. With the exception of his time in the Allan household as a child, Poe was constantly in wont of subsistence. Had effective copyright laws been in place and dutifully enforced, he may have earned a reasonably comfortable lifestyle.

In spite of his birthplace, Boston, Poe always considered himself a Southern Virginia Gentleman. He is said to have carried himself with a military posture, was meticulous and well dressed, even with his well-worn clothes, and was considered handsome in his features by women and men alike. His social status was generally disproportionate to his financial and material assets in that he was widely well known, loved, admired, envied, disliked, hated and loathed by some of the most influential people of the early 19th century. Of all these people, those that loved him and those that loathed him, none denied his incredible talents nor his enviable genius.


-- Anonymous, February 08, 2001

i know the answer to the substance abuse question, E.P.A. used opium, from an opium plant

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2001

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