The FBI has a wicked sense of humor : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

This is from a contest offered to several FBI agents. The requirements were to use the words Lewinsky and Kaczynski (the Unabomber) in a limerick. These are the 3 winners: Third place: There once was a gal named Lewinsky Who played on a flute like Stravinsky 'Twas "Hail to the Chief" On this flute made of beef That stole the front page from Kaczynski. Second place: Said Bill Clinton to young Ms. Lewinsky We don't want to leave clues like Kaczynski, Since you look such a mess, Use the hem of your dress And wipe that stuff off of your chinsky. And the winning entry: Lewinsky and Clinton have shown What Kaczynski must surely have known: That an intern is better Than a bomb in a letter Given the choice of how to be blown.

-- Barry (, February 07, 2001



-- CD (, February 07, 2001.

I thought I had heard these a while ago, but I don't remember it being an FBI contest. Very funny!

-- (, February 07, 2001.

Truly hilarious,

It's not called the Excited States of America for nothing.

-- Will (, February 08, 2001.

The Feds aren't known for their sense of humor. But with the demise of the USSR I guess the red squad has a lot of time on its hands.

-- al from cal (, February 08, 2001.

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