How are you disgusting? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
Oh, I'm sure you're not as disgusting as I am. I am the Queen, after all. But surely you must be a tiny bit disgusting. You pick your nose, or squeeze your zits, or sometimes don't clean the litterbox as often as you should. Everyone is nasty in his or her own little way, right?You can post anonymously if you like. Use for the email address. Or tell us about your "friend" who's really gross. Come on, we want to know.
-- Anonymous, February 07, 2001
Oh. Yeah. That litterbox thing. I'll go do that right now.
-- Anonymous, February 07, 2001
Well, I'm physically repulsive because of this cold that everyone has. I'm phlegmy, my feet smell amazingly bad, I've got big gruesome jawline acne (which I can't stop picking at), and the skin on my legs is so dry it's scaly.I don't dare shave my legs because of the scales. It's been about 6 weeks now.
I've been sick for a month, so it's been about that long since the kitchen was properly cleaned. My housemate fries a lot of stuff, and the entire kitchen is coated in a layer of grease. I've just quit cooking.
The Littermaid broke, so now it doesn't scoop. Unfortunately, neither do I. It's kind of a stand-off.
There are about 400 cardboard toilet paper roll cores on my bathroom floor. But, it doesn't really matter since the dog ate my bathroom, including half the door and the carpet. The bathroom's going to look like hell whether I pick up the cardboard rolls or not, plus my sinuses hurt when I bend over, so why make myself suffer?
Mostly I'm disgusting by way of being mind-bogglingly lazy.
Feed the dogs some plain yogurt mixed with some food, or just plain yogurt. Sometimes that helps stop the puking.
-- Anonymous, February 07, 2001
Actually Doc is fine now (he ate his food AND Mochi's this morning), and Mochi won't even look at food. I'll try the yogurt tomorrow. Doc was so uninterested in food earlier in the week that he wouldn't even eat broth and rice, which is what I usually give him when his stomach is bothering him. (Mochi ate it instead, but she wasn't sick yet so it didn't count.)
-- Anonymous, February 07, 2001
I have a crush on (C)rudeboy. There, I said it. I disgust even myself.
-- Anonymous, February 07, 2001
Dirty dishes have been soaking in the sink for a week or so. There is an odor that is coming out of my kitchen that scares me, so I buy food elsewhere instead. My clean clothes are in my living room, my dirty clothes are somewhere between my kitchen, dining room and bedroom. I haven't made my bed in ages, and it's really high time I washed my sheets. Like someone else also mentioned, I have tp cores all over my bathroom, as well as a pile of hair that used to fall over the drain cover in my shower, but I pick it up and deposit it into a corner of my bathroom.Thank goodness I share an apartment with my imaginary lover. He does not care about such grossness.
-- Anonymous, February 07, 2001
I'm a big slob who never does dishes until there are no clean ones left. And I'm so bad about the cat boxes that my husband took them over.Sure, I pick my nose and stuff, but only when nobody else is around.
Right now I'm sort of disgusting because I have a cold and am snuffling and horking, especially in the morning. But I'm told I have this "great bourbon voice" going on, too.
-- Anonymous, February 07, 2001
My face is breaking out because I changed pills two weeks ago and it is also doing this flaky thing on my cheeks and eyebrows. I pretty much always feel fat/bloated. I certainly don't clean the litterbox as I should or sweep the bathroom floor enough (white tile floor in a bathroom = bad idea). I pick at my face all the time. And I pull out my eyelashes so they always look patchy (thank god for eyeliner).
-- Anonymous, February 07, 2001
I'm disgusting cuz I hate to trim my toenails. As a result, my toenails grow in these weird circles; actually *into* my flesh*. I've been tempted to really let em go, and see if the sides would eventually meet somewhere under my flesh. It usually hurts too much to do that, so I wind up trimming them once every 3 months or so. They're talons. I'm like a gigantic bird o' prey with it's very own natural weaponry. I've kicked my boyfriend in my sleep and made him bleed with my razor like toe nails.
-- Anonymous, February 07, 2001
I have to stick up for Sarah Jessica Parker---I do the same mouth chewing thing. It's a habit, started god knows how long ago. I'm not exactly sure why one day I apparently woke up and thought, "hey, how about if I start eating myself?". I've tried to stop, even managed for a few months, but went back to it. Good thing I don't smoke---I can't imagine how hard that must be to stop.
-- Anonymous, February 07, 2001
I'm disgusting for many of the reasons mentioned above: the nose-picking, the zit-picking. Over and above that, however, my husband and I are both prolific farters. We keep the windows open so as not to asphyxiate the cats.Oh, and I leave toenail pickings around; sometimes I pick at my feet and pull off my toenails, if they're long enough. Then I leave the toenail bits where ever I was sitting at the time. My husband, early in our relationship, actually brought me a piece of toenail I'd left in his bed. Of course, now that I think about it, carrying around your girlfriend's toenail is nasty, too.
And honestly, bleeding for five days a month is pretty gross, really. Even better, I use a Keeper, basically a rubber shot-glass which goes inside where a tampon would be and catches all the gore. It gets taken out and emptied twice a day -- now that's gross! Only having to think about it twice a day is nice, though.
Beth, when I got my tongue pierced I learned good mouth hygiene: use anti-bacterial mouthwash (Oral B makes a good one) after every meal and non-water drink, and drink water all the time. I find that mouth injuries heal in a couple of days if I stick to that regimen, as opposed to a couple of weeks if I don't. Plus drinking cold water makes it feel better.
-- Anonymous, February 07, 2001
I get those mouth sores too. They're called canker sores and hurt like hell. I always get one when I injure the inside of my mouth, and sometimes get them just because. Oranges seem to provoke them with me. They're huge, they hurt and it takes three weeks to heal one. Sometimes they get so big you could stick a pencil eraser in one and not touch the side. Then you start eating and talking funny because it hurts. Brushing your teeth becomes a painful ballet. Mouthwash causes enough pain to make you want to pass out. All this and I pick my zits too. I'm just so lovely!
-- Anonymous, February 07, 2001
Why do I laugh when I read stuff about farting? Picking/eating boogers, peeling dead skin and toenails make me cringe but farting, I could laugh all day just thinking about passing gas in different situations. You and your hubby busting ass and opening windows just to let the cats breathe - that's sitcom material.I have nothing to add to this thread. That's kind of disgusting.
-- Anonymous, February 07, 2001
Let me tell you how glad to read about everyone picking their noses. I think deep down I knew someone else over the age of 3 must also do it but I had myself convinced that I was the only person with the nasty habit. I've done the toenail abandonment thing. Not to mention the habit of peeling the tough skin off the bottom of my heels until there is no tough skin and I walk around with sore feet for a week. Also have a collection of hair from the shower drain in the corner of my shower. I have a dog is going through lock down because he's a year old and can't seem to get the idea that the kitchen table is not where he should use the bathroom, so my kitchen smells like dog pee because it's soaked into the table wood and I'm too lazy to throw out the table and find a new one. I don't wash my dishes until there's no clean ones and even then I only wash what I need that second. I haven't done all my laundry in months. Again, I only wash what I need that second. And, to top it all off, I currently have some kind of infection in my left tear duct so my lower lid is all swollen and pink and sore and occasionally oozes icky stuff that could turn anyone off.If Beth is the queen, I'm thinking that I must be running pretty dang close to the next in line for the crown.
-- Anonymous, February 07, 2001
Stomach problems. Untill five years ago, I always used to get the worst kind of cramps after every meal, and my stomach started making the weirdest, most disgusting sounds. Then, after a few minutes, I had to excuse myself and make for the bathroom, where there was a huge gas explosion, so to speak, and all was fine again.A few years ago, around my 30th birthday, all that changed. The cramps disappeared overnight, and so did the explosions, but the stomach problems remained. They only went in the opposite direction. These days, therefore, I still have to excuse myself after dinner, only now for some really, really big burps. Honestly, if you heard me, you wouldn't believe me to be as skinny as I am.
-- Anonymous, February 08, 2001
Nose picking, zit popping, farting and scab picking.I think I have to use some selsun blue because I'm getting all these weird scalp zits and corresponding scabs...truly disgusting.
Oh, and there's the chin hair. Girls are not suppposed to have chin hair, at least not hair on my chinny chin chin. I'd rather do things by the pull of my shiny steel tweezers.
-- Anonymous, February 08, 2001
I intentionally fart in my roommate's direction, or on him if he's close enough. He used to do it to me constantly, and now my new and constant gas supply is retribution for all those years of his rectal thunder. I belch like a redneck. Popping zits and squeezing blackheads is nasty yet fun - I used to do it for my then-man all the time. I'm gross.
-- Anonymous, February 08, 2001
Man. After reading this whole thread, I hereby take it all back. I am a mere Handmaiden of Disgusting.
-- Anonymous, February 08, 2001
Ex-CUSE me, icky-girl, there's NOTHING wrong with popping zits. I am a zit-popping, blackhead-squeezing fool, and the days I find a particularly big zit is a happy, happy day for me.I suspect it's 'cause I didn't have much of an acne problem as a teen, so I never got that many zits to pop.
Poppin' Zits would be a good name for a journal.
-- Anonymous, February 08, 2001
Ok...y'all win. I'm not nearly as nasty. I do, however, have the "accidently biting the inside of my mouth" thing. Beth said she was too clumsy for sex. I only *wish* I were too clumsy to eat because then maybe i's lose some weight. I'm just clumsy enough to make eating painful.
-- Anonymous, February 09, 2001
I love nothing better than to squeeze hubby's blackheads/boils--the cheesier/puss-e-er the better. Whilst sitting on the toilet, I sniff my panties to make sure I'm "fresh". The litter boxes are in the basement...out of sight out of mind.
-- Anonymous, February 09, 2001
Rudie, you're so sexy when you're coy.
-- Anonymous, February 09, 2001
There are clothes on the laundry room floor that belong to my husband. Which wouldn't be a big deal except for the fact that he hasn't lived there for almost eight months. My bathroom trash is so full it is overflowing on to the floor and I don't care. I haven't cleaned that bathroom in over six months. There is a weird smell coming from the kitchen which I believe is the Mac and Cheese I had two weeks ago. I won't even tell you about my computer room or about the clothes on the floor that I unpacked in July. I finally got around to cleaning out my refridge and the pizza boxes, take out containers, etc that had also been there since the ex split. My car is so nasty and dirty, I would need to get pictures because you wouldn't believe it. Fuck, I am disgusting.I for the most part am pretty clean, but my face is breaking out and I haven't shaved my legs in almost two weeks. The dog is clean. We are clean individuals surrounded by filth.
-- Anonymous, February 12, 2001
Yah, I was trying to avoid getting entangled in this thread, but "anon"'s latest has me pulled in. "Two weeks," you say? More like two months for me...maybe longer. Not since late summer/ early fall, anyway. I don't want to go off on a feminist rant here (hello, 800-lb. gorilla), but who was it that decided hair on women's legs was bad, again...? Probably stocking manufacturers, or something.Far as the other "disgusting" bits go, I have real issues with doing the dishes if it's me who's cooked. I purposefully ignore them, waiting for my Boy to come 'round...and of course, he never does. Shades of "Tea-Time of the Soul," I think.
I also don't do laundry, real laundry, for weeks and weeks on end -- maybe months -- although, as of today, that's about to change. I bought an apartment-suitable "EZ 3600CEE" Equator washer/ dryer...! (Now I'm getting into the kitchen/appliance lust category again.) I've been waiting two weeks, but it ought to be delivered today.
Now I can actually not have to re-use the same workout clothes (minus the T-shirt, of which I have endless amounts) ever again!
-- Anonymous, February 12, 2001
I have an awful habit of scratching my legs until they bleed. I don't know why I do this...I think it's because I have dry skin and once I start scratching all the nerves in my legs stand on end and I itch even more. I have scabs all over my legs which I cut off with a razor. I'm good about shaving my legs, because usually the stubble hair makes my legs itch even worse. It may be a self mutilation tactic, I don't know. All I know is I'm tired of being itchy and want it to stop. No lotion works for me. I'm an itchy bitch.
-- Anonymous, February 12, 2001
ewwww...i thought i was gross, but im not. Not after reading all these posts. whew!
-- Anonymous, May 24, 2001
WOW! There are some pretty gros people that write here, but it makes mefel better about myself, makes me feel less gross, i do pick my nose and dig in my belly button, but i've stopped, after reading some of the posts that were written! DAMN, i feel good, thankz 2 all the grosser people out there!
-- Anonymous, July 14, 2001