Theseus and the Minotaur : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Have fun with this one! Can anyone help with a link?

-- Barry (, February 06, 2001



For you, I provide the link Respectfully,


-- (, February 06, 2001.


I am only human, let me try once more link



-- (, February 06, 2001.

Thanks Barry!

-- Carlos (, February 06, 2001.

Neat sound effects except they should add a blood curdling scream when the Minataur catches Theseus. I got within one or two squares but could never make it all the way. Is this an IQ test? Now I know why mousies have nervous breakdowns.

-- (, February 06, 2001.

I got it, you just have to keep in mind the cautionary note at the bottom and not overthink the Minotaur. Unless I just got lucky.

I'm going to see if I can do it again (I'm pretty sure I can). Anyone who wants to know what I did can e-mail me, the address is real.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, February 06, 2001.

I can do it. But I've been to Crete.

-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), February 06, 2001.

I got it, but it took longer than I expected. Nice puzzle.

-- dandelion (golden@pleurisy.plant), February 07, 2001.

LOL, I can't seem to get anywhere with it.

-- Debra (, February 07, 2001.

Congratulations Debra, you are the only one who isn't a liar!

-- (good girl @ honesty. best policy), February 08, 2001.

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