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How do you compare original vcd or copied vcd from Original vcd which both have silver back.
-- Kenny.K (zeldalink62@hotmail.com), February 06, 2001
Hello Zelda Link 62Answer 1 Watch them - if it's a copy the picture quality will be terrible.
Answer 2 Looking at the disk surface you will see that there is always writing etched onto the edge by the hole and sometimes a long bar code! Become familiar with the markings - serial numbers and descriptions from each distributer and compare them with copied disks you will soon be able to distinguish a fake from a real VCD. Do you want to create a perfect copy or do you want to ensure that you buy originals - I've posted my website url before which lists legal suppliers of VCD's. I do hope you have visited me.
(OK just for the record www.d8a.co.uk - if you're fed up with this bit you can ignore it if you want to - but I know how much you value my research!!!!!)
-- Waynne Smith (hemail@ukfun.com), February 06, 2001.
If it writes Tokyo Raider d-1 is that suppose to be a pirated. Tokyo raider is the name of the movie.
-- KennyK (zeldalink62@hotmail.com), February 06, 2001.
Tokyo Raider D-1 on the edge.
-- Kenny.k (zeldalink62@hotmail.com), February 08, 2001.
I would think that you probably have an original - as it is not easy to put the writing on the disk - although anything can be faked by anyone with enough money. Where did you buy the VCD? What makes you think it could be a fake?
-- Waynne Smith (hemail@ukfun.com), February 08, 2001.
2 from videomas.com 4 from getvcds.com.
-- Kenny.k (zeldalink62@hotmail.com), February 08, 2001.
What was the service like from each of the stores and more importantly are you impressed with the quality of the VCD's?
-- Waynne Smith (hemail@ukfun.com), February 10, 2001.
I've bought about 50 VCD from www.videomas.com and all the disks are original and licensed videos.-Danno!
-- Danno! (bockscar7@yahoo.com), March 25, 2001.