Question about sexual : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
In order to truly be a "heterosexual" or a "homosexual", doesn't it require that you've actually had sex at some time in your life?And, if so, what would be the correct way to identify the vast majority of 15 year olds: "monosexuals" or "autosexuals"?
-- Little Nipper (, February 05, 2001
And, if so, what would be the correct way to identify the vast majority of 15 year olds: "monosexuals" or "autosexuals"?How bout 15yr olds: NO SEXUAL AT ALL....:?
-- sumer (shh@aol.con), February 05, 2001.
What makes you think that "the vast majority of 15 year olds" haven't had sex?
("No-Sexuals" is a good one, 'Sumer -- LOL!)
-- (, February 05, 2001.
Sumer, we have a word for that...They're called VIRGINS! You fricking DUMBSHIT!!
-- Uncle Bob (, February 05, 2001.
UB (if this was really you)Chill the fuck out and lay off dude,Sumer didn't desreve that kind of reply.Had a bad day?
-- capnfun (, February 05, 2001.
Oh yeah? You sound like you're itching for a fight there cap'n! No problemo dude. Anytime you think you're man enough you just say the word.
-- Uncle Bob (kickin.ass@takin.names), February 05, 2001.
I bet dollars to donuts the last 3 posts were from that little coward called manny. Capnfun and UB are more considerate and are not potty mouths. The tone of those post has yellow painted all over them.
-- Boswell (, February 05, 2001.
No, it does not require that you've actually had sex in your life yet. Many homosexuals report they felt their orientation while still in the lower grades of school...most 12-14 year olds already know full well where their orientation lies.
-- kritter (, February 05, 2001.
When I was 15 I had a very definate idea about what I wanted to be doing. Constantly. With every girl I saw.By age 15, I'd guess that evey human knows where they stand sexually, even if they're virgins.
-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), February 06, 2001.
In the case of heterosexuals, I agree, Bemused. It's easy t be yourself when acceptance is everywhere.I know in my brother's case he did not accept his homosexuality until he was about 19 years old. The stigma attached to it in the late 1960's and early 1970's, the move from hush-hush handling of the issue by society in general towards silent, grudging acceptance; the vocal "Archie Bunker types" with their often faith-based denunciations; and sometimes brutal local law enforcement mixed together created a real inner battle for him.
I think each decade shows some measure of progress in this area. Let's hope it continues.
-- Rich (, February 06, 2001.
Sumer, we have a word for that... They're called VIRGINS! You fricking DUMBSHIT!!-- Uncle Bob (, February 05, 2001.
Not me posting this can we stop people from stealing our ID's?
-- Uncle Bob (, February 06, 2001.
I didn't think so Bob,as you obviously were being targeted yesterday and isn't your usual tact.
-- capnfun (, February 06, 2001.
My ex-husband was a nano-sexual.
-- (lorelei@lubricious.lips), February 06, 2001.