scaning of the X-Pan 24x65mm film : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread


Does anyone has the experience of scaning the X-Pan 24x65mm film with a film scaner ?

I've tried the Nikon coolscam III and the Kodak RFS3600, but they both cut off anything bigger than the standard 35mm format. Minolta multi-scan II can save the day, BUT it's resolution will dropped to 1xxx instead of the 2820 dpi.

Any suggestion ?

-- kl (, February 05, 2001


Hey man just do two scans (A and B. One scan for the left one for the right. Change the canvas size on A. Cut and paste B onto A. It takes patience to get the alignment right. Also turn off your a exposure on the second scan so that A and B match.


-- Thomas Hinton (, February 05, 2001.

about internet browsing centre scanner

-- sakunthala (, May 19, 2001.

I got a horizon 202 panormaic camera and it creates neg/positives of 24x58mm. I use a minolta dimage scandual III. Normal film slide I use, scan them 2 times (always as positve!) and stitch them together in Photoshop.

When you make one layer difference it's pretty easy to locate the overlapping area. Then just make a gradient mask on the top layer covering the overlapping part to make the transion flawless.


-- Emiel Elgersma (, May 12, 2004.

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