Lazy weekends. : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

What time did you get up on Saturday? How about Sunday? How long did it take you to get dressed? Did you ever leave the house? Did you do anything useful, or are you a big slug like I am?

-- Anonymous, February 05, 2001


This weekend I got up around 9:00 both days, because I had stuff I had to do, and I left the house. But Saturday I left it to go to the sauna place, where I then sat around like a slug for a couple of hours. I actually did some useful tasks at home later in the afternoon.

Sunday I left the house to go visit some friends, so that doesn't really count as useful stuff, but it was fun.

My spouse has standing orders to wake me up at 10:00 if I haven't gotten up before then, so I won't feel like I've missed the whole day. Once I get up, I get dressed right away and don't go back to bed - I just don't like lying in bed to read or eat. That doesn't mean I do anything useful; frequently I spend the rest of the day on the sofa or sitting in front of the computer.

Our hobby of going to flea markets gets us out of the house early on many Saturdays, which is probably a good thing.

-- Anonymous, February 05, 2001

I was proud of myself this weekend - I went out Friday AND Saturday nights. I even did four loads of laundry on Saturday, and spent lots of money at the record store. But that's all I did. My most productive moment on Sunday was making oatmeal for breakfast.

Yes, I wore the same thing all weekend. It was comfy, and everything else was in the wash.

-- Anonymous, February 05, 2001

I'm trying to block out most of the events from this weekend (*shudder*) but I was generally productive and useful in the mornings. Saturday I was up at 7am because I have a 9am photography class. I developed film, I made contact sheets, I was mighty! I went home and cleaned house.

I have "forgotten" the events of the next 16 hours.

I was up at 8am on Sunday, made pancakes, and was out the door to shoot by 10am. Drove all over the foothills but everything was too hazy to get some decent stuff so I gave up and went home. Watched the rest of my movies, painted a few pictures, got dressed and went to Streets for Pub Quiz, where we nearly got last place, but got extra points for our Red Dwarfy team name. Also found a friend I'd lost contact with there. I drank a lot of beer and had fish and chips and watched plenty o' soccer and had a rather nice time.

And I was home by 10:30pm.

-- Anonymous, February 05, 2001

My weekend started early - I took Friday off, so it worked out to a three day jobbie for me. Friday morning, I woke at around 9 and padded around the house, playing on the 'net, watching horrible talk shows, and then went to the gym around 3pm and worked out. Came back, showered, went to dinner with friends, and was practically asleep on my sofa by 8:30.

Saturday, up by 9am. Did the same except Saturday I shopped for about five hours at Sam's Club, an office store, and a shoe store. Came home and vegged.

Sunday, up by 10am. Did the same except somewhere during the day I went to the gym to do a couple of miles on the treadmill and the other machine that makes you sway to and fro but I can't for the life of me remember the name.

It was a quick weekend. I wish we could work one week and then have off the next. Ah.

-- Anonymous, February 05, 2001

Here Beth, i'll make you feel better.

I got up at noon. Both days. Stayed in my PJs until 3:30 on Saturday while cleaning. At least the apartment was spotless and we had people over for dinner.

Sunday i was lazy but managed to change into jogging pants and a sweatshirt. I moaned for ages because i had to walk "all the way to the store" - a whole block and a half. It took me all day to do 3 loads of laundry. I was beyond lazy.

It's almost a blessing that i had to get up for work this morning, since it forced me out of the house.

-- Anonymous, February 05, 2001

I can't sleep late. I don't. I would like to, but I usually wake up only about a half hour later than my weekday alarm and if I stay in bed after I wake up to read or cuddle, I can do so only until the bird wants up.

How dressed is dressed? I don't wear a bra unless I'm leaving the house (public) or doing actual labor (practical). I left the house at 1:00 on Saturday and returned, exhausted, to nap at 3:00; and at 10:00 on Sunday to walk for two hours. Useful: I grocery- shopped, turned the compost pile, walked briskly for two hours (six miles? more?), cased garden centers for railroad ties and drip irrigation, dusted the bedroom, and prevented myself from decomposing for 48 hours. Useful enough.

-- Anonymous, February 05, 2001

the dogs get me out of bed every day around 6:30am and saturday i stayed up to go into the clinic 9am-1pm, then had a couple emergency calls so was fully dressed for most of the day. sunday however i went back to bed until 10am, stayed in my pyjamas watching crappy tv (the food network, home repair stuff, sex & the city on tape) til 2pm, then finally had a bath and drove into town to the grocery store just so i felt like i had done 'something' with the day. went into the clinic to check the cat and the birds, skipped the grocery store (don't need the temptations) and headed home... then proceeded to get back into my pyjamas around 5pm!

my excuse: i'm hibernating

-- Anonymous, February 05, 2001

Virtually every one of my weekends is the same thing. Wake up. Don't get dressed all day or leave the house, because I can't do anything else but homework anyway. Do homework for hours and hours. Maybe eat.

-- Anonymous, February 05, 2001

I have a little and annoying routine I go into every weekend. I usually wake up at around 9, and then put on a t shirt and some pajama pants and sit around the house for a while (unless I have somewhere to be). I eat breakfast, watch some tv, read, tidy up, repot plants, etc etc, and then at around 3 or 4 I get all guilty and sad because I have not gone anywhere yet (there is usually something I want to do that is not at a specific time, like go to the nursery or take some pictures or go downtown and do something). So then I get dressed and do it and feel sad because I should have started my day earlier. Once I get going, I am happy, but that intertia is hard to overcome. Some days I don't manage to overcome it at all and stay grubby all day.

Last weekend I managed some cleaning, some shopping, went to see the Chinese New Year parade, repotted and gardened, and went to a local nursery and found a plant I have been looking for for SIX YEARS. The weekend before I didn't do much but spend 7 hours cleaning out the garage. Bleah. I have noticed that no matter what I do, I always feel disappointed and wish I could get more done. I swear, I could feed the poor, cure cancer, learn three new languages and shoot ten rolls of film in a weekend and still go "enh, I should have cleaned under the couch/cooked a feast/shaved the cat/negotiated world peace". Oh well.

Of course, the SO never got past the driveway last weekend and only got out to a movie since I whined enough the weekend before. He was sick for a while, but he is becoming even more of a lump than I am. Evil Dreamcast, hockey, and work......

-- Anonymous, February 06, 2001

I got up at about 1:30 pm on Saturday and 11 am on Sunday, going to bed at 3 or 4 am the nights before. My neighbor was also phase- shifted, and I had to stay up even later than she did in order to be the last one up. I have to be the last one up. That's my quiet time. Has been since childhood. And despite the Arctic weather, I did in fact leave the house both days, and even put in some time at the office.

-- Anonymous, February 06, 2001

Saturday I got up at seven, because I had some important shopping to do. Now the supermarket is only five minutes away, but it had been snowing a lot - the slippery, powdery variety - so I had to do it before everybody else got out the door and turned it into one solid sheet of ice covering the entire sidewalk. All the same, I did manage to slip and fall on my ass on the way back, carrying two huge bags of groceries. The result was a big bad bruise, so I had trouble sitting down for the rest of the day. I spent most of it on my feet, doing household chores.

Sunday was better. I usually get up around eight, take a long hot shower, have breakfast and just chill for a few hours, reading a book and listening to some music. The afternoons are always devoted to spending quality time with Youry, my son, either going out on the town or just staying at home.

-- Anonymous, February 07, 2001

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