Recording VCD's To Tapes? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Is there a way to Use a TV-Tuner card (v3 3500tv) witht he software paackage and/or a Tv-Out box to record a VCD playing on you computer or TV to a Normal Tape? I wanna know if u can record a VCD to a TAPE in anyway?

-- Shawn Kopf (, February 04, 2001


You can copy the entire VCD into a program Like Video Studio 5, MGI Video Wave 4, Windows ME native video creation, * Adobe Premier 6, or Media Studio Pro 6. Then play/make movie to/export to already recording VCR/VCRCam. some cards might let you send video out from whatever is playing but I'm not sure.

-- Darin (, February 18, 2001.

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