Proof of Life on VCD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I'm looking for "Proof of Life", on VCD. Anyone have any idea where I can find it? Anyone "have" it? Please let me know...thanks!

-- Tom St. Pierre (Tom7486@MediaOne.Net), February 04, 2001


It opened to the public here in Singapore two days ago, on Sunday. Normally the only place you could find here at this time would be pirate stalls, i.e.: Malaysia and other places. Where are you ?

-- Guy Nicholson (, February 05, 2001.

I would personally recommend a relatively new company called newvcds. They sell unreleased VCD and DVD movies. I ordered a couple of videos from them and was very happy with the result. their email address is

-- Jeremy Hollingshead (, April 15, 2001.

Try, they have it.

-- Kevin Chan (, November 06, 2001.

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