Making Standard Compliant VCD with AIW 128 - Please Help : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have bought an ATI All In Wonder 128 last year and installed it on my Pentium II 450 computer. It comes with Ulead 2.5. The quality of the movies is very bad - too many blocks. I use Nero 5.0 (comes with my DVD drive) to burn video to CD. No matter what I try, I cannot make a standard compliant VCD - AIW 128 + Ulead won't make that happen. But, I have to make it happen. My father lives in Europe. He doesn't have a compute, but he has a VCD player, which only plays standard compliant VCDs.

In order to solve both problems, I have tried different capture/encode software. So far the only software that will capture and produce standard compliant JPEG files and produce good quality movies is WinVCR. Then I use CaMPGj to join all clips together. Today I finally produced my first standard compliant VCD. Now I can mail my first home video CD to my father in Europe.

The problem I have now is my WinVCR will expire in 7 days. They charge $49.95 for registration, which is totally out of line. How can I get a free WinVCR? Or, can I use any other capture softwae that will poduce standard compliant JPEG files? Does any one have any idea how to use AIW 128 to make good quality VCD? I really appreciate your help!

-- Ben Xie (, February 03, 2001


look for answers here:

This site deals with everything surrounding ATI AIW128 and VCD/SVCD.

-- Josh (, February 03, 2001. the best program is winvcr2 from I use it to capture from my camera and my VHS and then with Nero5 I burn the VCD. It's very easy and it works with NTSC and PAL system

-- EmmFrag (, February 06, 2001.

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