How are you like your dog? Or are you? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Talking about protective Rottweilers and horny Pugs (wicked evil grinning smiley) has lead me to thinking about how I really can be like the dogs I choose to own.

I was once described as: "She's a Pug til you cross her, then she's a Rottweiler."

...and it's true!

So what about everyone else? How are you like your dogs? Or are you?

-- Anonymous, February 02, 2001


Well, Doc and I are both obnoxious attention seekers, and Mochi and I are both annoying fraidy cats. However, I'm not cute like Mochi, nor am I stoic like Doc. So I guess you could say I have only their bad traits.

On the other hand, I have the opposable thumbs, which pretty much cancel out my other bad traits as far as the dogs are concerned, because it means I can drive a car and go to the place where they sell the dog food.

-- Anonymous, February 02, 2001

If I had a a handsome stalwart dog like a German shepherd, I'd try and make a strong case. Since I have a little black pound mutt, I guess you can say that we both have no aversion to peeing on a tree in front of people if we really have to go and neither of us will stick our noses in our own crap.

-- Anonymous, February 02, 2001

pugs: lazy, food obsessed, intelligent (in a slightly devious, 'how can i get what i want' way), gregarious, talkative, bossy (and noisy about it), attention seeking, extremely tolerant and make friends with anyone

rottweilers: athletic, loyal, steadfast, responsible, protective, bossy (but quiet about it), stoic, discriminating, intelligent (can be trusted to make the right decision on their own), laid back and watchful but can be deadly if the situation warrants

unfortunately i am not as calm, quiet and athletic as my rottweilers nor as cute, cuddly and tolerant as my pugs, but you can't have it all can you?

-- Anonymous, February 03, 2001

My dog is a smelly, overweight, obnoxious rat-like thing.

I hope I'm not like her.

-- Anonymous, February 03, 2001

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