Found a VCD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I found a vcd site and want to know is it safe to buy vcd from this site. Anyone buy from them b4 please let me know. Thanks
-- Kelvin (, January 31, 2001
I would personally avoid any store that sell's screeners - Toy story 3 - I think not!!! Looking at the address of the store in you browser you get redirected to another site and this store do not even have a top level domain ie www. vcd. gs it is http://movies .vcd. gs it would be too easy for this store to vanish without a trace - If it seems cheap then there will be a reason for this stick to the recognised stores as listed on quality sites like:- will get good service & good quality & it still doesn't cost much!
-- Waynne Smith (hemail, January 31, 2001.
I have personally used this site and although delivery to the UK was not as fast as other sites such as, I can highly recommend it. Just remember these VCDz are silvers, NOT official, and most of the time are screener/telesync/cam versions.
-- Phil (, February 12, 2001.
he was a great dealer till he quit selling vcd, never had problem one with him
-- Mike (, June 18, 2001.