Playing vcd in : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hi, I would like to ask if there is any program that can let you play vcds on a dreamcast. If there is can you tell me where I can get the program. Thanks.
-- Benny Yulius (, January 29, 2001
yes there is go here and you will find the info for it
-- Doug (, January 29, 2001.
no answer
-- sammia ali ahmmed (, January 30, 2001.
forgot to mention once at the site listed in my last reply, look on the very right hand side and under the "dc article" you will see a choice for "playing vcd on a dc" this is what you want
-- Doug (, January 30, 2001.
GyPlay, go get it at It's free and easy to use, but you'll need the Utopia dc boot disk to start it up, also available at the above site. They also have complete tutorials on how to burn it, load it, and watch it.
-- Brian Adame (, August 15, 2001.