Call for Photos : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

Hello, fellow (and lady) Central railfans,

I'm renewing a call for photos for a forthcoming book entitled "Railroads of Birmingham" to be published by TLC this fall. We're searching for high quality images in any format (print, negative, or slide)of Birmingham area railroads taken in the late 1940's up until Amtrak. Our core coverage is the 1950's and 1960's. We're especially in need of Central of Georgia action photos (not roster shots) of passenger and freight trains taken at or near Birmingham during this period. We'll also consider any other local roads you might have. Contributors will receive appropriate credit with their photos, a copy of the book at our cost, and our undying gratitude.

This is the first book of railroad photos to be published on Birmingham and we want to include the very best available images. If you have or know of any material that you even remotely think could be used, please contact me by email. Thanks very much!

-- Marv Clemons (, January 29, 2001


There is an excellent article entitled "Four Sections of Number 9" in the March 1979 Railfan magazine. There are four pictures, one of each section. The Article and photos are by Frank Ardey, Jr. and were taken at Weems, Al. on April 4, 1948. I have the magazine but I dont know whether or not you would be able to find the photos or negatives. Hope this is of some help.

-- Steve Riley (, March 19, 2001.

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