Want to live in a treehouse @ BM 2001?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Burning Man : One Thread

Looking for folks to help design, light, build tree houses for a theme camp...Anyone interested e-mail me and we will tell you how far our plans have progressed

-- Jen Jenkins (nerdgrl@yahoo.com), January 28, 2001


I am intrested in 2004 BM adventures, any plans for then > I am moving to Ca. in june.

-take care

Ps. I am of the sober variety but not bothered by others choices. I also am a photographer. I went to BM for the first time in 1999, and was a part of the Giant Flaming Anus project. Would love to add fire poi/dancing to my list before I go back to BM. Also - I can cook for a LAAAAAAAARGE number of people. I did that during my stay at BM last time about 4 times a day. I am good with water rashens and food. Hard and creative worker. Where are you ?

-- Michelle (TitaniumSwirl@hotmail.com), April 06, 2003.

Yes, I'm interested. I am in upstate ny and have dreampt of doing the same thing for many years.I was blessed to have the partener I've prayed for show up finally and we have just begun our project with a long way to go. It's fine with me, because I LOVE the journey.If you are close by, I'll gladly lend a hand a swap ideas. Erin

-- Erin Leigh Pauley (Laydbrat@myexcel.com), March 07, 2002.

Totally interested in what you want to do. Can you tell me how much money I will need for tickets and where I can buy them. Also, how much food, water and the like? Will I need a bicycle and will it be safe for me to get wasted? Email me- porter_kyle@hotmail.com:)

-- Kyle Porter (porter_kyle@hotmail.com), April 14, 2001.

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