ACL passenger train circa 1955 : LUSENET : ACL and SAL Railroads Historical Society : One Thread

In or about 1955, ACL operated a passenger train that departed Florence, SC in late morning,maybe early pm, and arrived in Miami in the early morning( 6 or 7 am). What was the name or number of this train, and what station did it use in Miami? Thanks, Jim Roquemore

-- Jim Roquemore (, January 28, 2001


From the October 1955 passenger timetable: Train #75 The Havana Special left Florence, SC, at 12:30pm(30 min's past noon) and arrived in Miami, Fla., at 7:00am the next morning at the Florida East Coast R.R. station.

-- Tom Underwood (, January 28, 2001.

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