Problems using VirtualDub 1.3c : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I am trying to convert a captured .asf file to .avi using VirtualDub 1.3c. (I have installed the patch to use asf's). When I open the file it tells me that the size is smaller than the original (i don't know why, I have several files and is says it on all of them). However, it allows me toproceed. When I go to save as avi, it saves only the first frame, and that's it. (It says it is done or crashes VD) Any ideas??? I also tried using TMPGEnc, but that says it will take about 10 hours to save a one hour (mediocre quality) video file. Any ideas or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


-- Makc MokeeB (, January 28, 2001


virtual dub 1.3c does not need patch to open ASF, 1.3d and 1.4x do.

-- lnguyen (, January 28, 2001.

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