Greenspan was given an ultimatum : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Why the sudden change of heart from someone who was previously opposed to a huge tax cut in favor of fiscal responsibility?

Simple. He was told he could either support Dubya's greed plan, or pack his bags and leave office with a spin storm trailing him saying he was the guy responsible for ruining a prosperous economy. Not wanting to tarnish his excellent record that he has worked so hard to achieve, Greenspan had no choice but to roll over and hope they would let him depart on a more positive note.

I don't think the coward Dubya did it himself, he didn't want to get his hands dirty. It was probably a collaborative effort between the W.C. Fields clown and the Alcoa bastard.

-- Dubya's Team (very@crooked.bastards), January 26, 2001


Yea...I don't like having anymore money in my pocket. Bastards...

-- Uncle Bob (, January 26, 2001.

W.C. Fields clown and the Alcoa bastard.

Yeah yeah and my hubby works @ Alcoa and he HATES getting more $$$ in his pockets and being awarded new contracts. Now he gets to keep his job.

No good dirty rotten bastards.

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), January 26, 2001.

Yeah W wouldn't do that himself, he's too stupid, right? It's that crooked team he put together to do all the dirty work. Yeah, I'll tell ya, we are definitely going down in flames. :P

-- Maria (, January 26, 2001.

"Not wanting to tarnish his excellent record that he has worked so hard to achieve, Greenspan "

Rhetoric is amazing stuff....

History will probably show that Greenspan hollowed the US economy out to the tune of trillions during Clintigula's tenure via the most fantastic credit boom ever seen. The US dollar has already headed out to the woodpile for what may be it's largest thrashing ever.

Crock.... not just a pickle container anymore.

-- Will (, January 27, 2001.

Dubby was never even elected.

-- right wing coup (no@more.freedom), January 28, 2001.

I dislike most (publicly visible) things "W" has done so far, but I think Greenspan has enough people "in" with him that no executive-branch threat can really shake him this much. He has always seemed to be dictating the other way.

Plus I don't thing Dub'ya or his eco-team have either the balls or brains.

-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), January 28, 2001.

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