From a Catholic Forum : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

Dear Duane,

Are you the moderator of the "The Christian Church" forum? If so, I'd like to ask a favor of you:

Over the past few months, we have had a spate of people publishing bigotted ant-Catholic diatribes on our forum. While some of these people may be doing so out of malice alone, I feel that some others may be just looking for someone who shares their views to discuss them with, and are acting inappropriately at our forum out of frustration at not finding a community to belong to. I'd like to give these people somewhere to go where they can feel at home, and hopefully put their energies to positive uses. The favor part: I'd like to suggest your forum (as a link) for people to go to to further discuss Christianity from a Protestant point of view.

If you would be amenable to this, please reply! Also, if there is an overwhelming point of view expressed on your forum, or other information you think I (they) should know, please let me know so I can include it in my message to the forum.

In Christ,


*********************** Duane's Reply *******************

You've got trollers and you want to send them to me? No thanks!

We have them too.... Usually from anti-Christian teens in general, wanting to get a rise out of someone.... ours are tame now and holding their own nicely. They can be quite civil when they choose to...

They may be the same who are disturbing your forum...

Ours is not a "Protestant" Forum. We are neither Protestant nor Roman Catholic, although we do believe in a catholic (universal) Church.

If I had to be either Protestant or Catholic, I would choose Catholic, because they are more consistent with their own ecclesiology. But I am just a Christian.

Feel free to invite your regular Forum participants to visit us.... But as for the interlopers.... we have enough of our own.

I will post this in our Forum.

-- Anonymous, January 25, 2001



What can I say but, "Well done!"

-- Anonymous, January 26, 2001

Just asking. What is with the candles and all?

-- Anonymous, January 30, 2001

Greetings: Daune you claim to be a Christian-wich is to say Christ dweels within you. How is that you would agree with those who tach contrary to Gods word? Jesus is the way the truth and the life, and there doctrines teaches everything but Jesus. They are not consistent with Gods word. Are you led of Gods Spirit? God has called us to defend the gospil not to agree with those who teach coctrary, to it. Jesus died for us to have life eternal, thats all were talking about that others amy come to know Jesus. That man is cting as if were little children who dont know what were talking about. Pleass here what the Spirit is saying unto you. Go look at the sit and if you truly know Jesus you will him being preached. False prophets are in our land, and people are misled for not loving truth.

-- Anonymous, February 16, 2001

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